USD news - page 27


US fourth quarter 2016 advance GDP +1.9% vs +2.2% expected

  • Prior was 3.5%

Personal consumption

  • 2.5%
  • Expected 2.5%, prior 3.0%


  • GDP price index 2.1%
  • GDP price index was expected at +1% q/q, prior was +1.7%
  • Core PCE 1.3%
  • Core PCE expected at +1.3% q/q, prior was +1.7%

Q1 was 0.8%, Q2 was 1.4%, Q3 was 3.5%.

Details on growth:

  • Durables +10.9%
  • Business investment +2.4%
  • Investment in equipment +3.1%
  • Business investment in IP +6.4%
  • Business investment in structures -5.0%
  • Housing investment +10.2%
  • Exports -4.3%
  • Imports +8.3%
  • Inventories +48.7B vs +7.1B in Q3
  • Government spending +1.2%

To break it down in percentage points:

  • Consumer spending +1.7 pp
  • Investment +1.67 pp
  • Net exports -1.7 pp
  • Government +0.21 pp
  • Inventories alone added 1.0 percentage points to growth

January 2017 Michigan consumer sentiment final 98.5 vs 98.1 exp

January 2017 Michigan consumer sentiment final report 27 January 2017

  • Flash 98.1. Dec 98.2
  • Current conditions 111.3 vs 112.5 exp. Flash 112.5, Dec 111.9
  • Expectations 90.3 vs 88.9 exp. Flash 88.9. Dec 89.5
  • 1yr inflation expectations 2.6% vs 2.6% flash. Dec 2.2%
  • 5yr 2.6% vs 2.5% flash. Dec 2.3%


December 2016 US pending home sales 1.6% vs 1.0% exp m/m

Details of the December 2016 US pending home sales data report 30 January 2017

  • Prior -2.5%
  • -2.0% vs 1.4% prior y/y. NSA

Q4 2016 US employment costs index 0.5% vs 0.6% exp

Details of the Q4 2016 US employment wages and costs report 31 January 2017

  • Prior 0.6%