Brexit betting rises says Ladbrokes


Bloomberg noting the turf accountant has seen a rise in the proportion of leave bets in the last 48 hours

The bookies are loving the exposure right now. Virtually every day we see one or t'other coming out with the lastest moves and being picked up by the main wires.

Even if leave betting picks up it's not a sure sign that people actually think we're going to vote to leave. In a lot of cases the bets can be hedges and it's also a matter of value. At the moment, if you were to bet on staying, you would get £1 back for every £7 staked. That's not good value. You'd get £4 back for every £1 bet on leaving.

Betting merely shows where people are prepared to put their money, it doesn't mean it's where their voting intentions lie. If I was to vote to stay I may still put money on a leave vote because at the current price it's low risk, high reward.