GBP/USD forecast - page 119

Perfect level for opening a long position in GBP/USD (1.3070). TP: 1.3200, SL: 1.3025.
Once again disappointing Brexit news sent GBP/Usd straight down to near 1.30 level. Well, the negotiation continues. Support level can be found at 1.3010, break below would give the pair more pressure on the downside.

When GBPUSD falls today, then
I prefer to wait Support at 1.275x - 1.271x for the first time price correction.

who knows, because at this time
anything can happen to GBP .. :)

Still beleive in the bullish scenario in GBP/USD.
GBP/USD: The pair is waiting for Brexit talks. If a deal is achieved, the GBP/USD could test 1.3500. With no deal resolution, the pair could drop below 1.2500.
The pair has dropped to the lowest point in 2 weeks, as long as GBP/Usd stay below 1.30 level, the negative momentum would be expected to continue.
At end of the day, there is still nothing new on Brexit negotiation which results GBP/Usd is lacking directional strength. The pair is consolidating below 1.30 level remain in the negative territory.

In my view,
when the market take this pair to upside, then
this pair could be stay above current Support 1.2956 and reach next Resistance 1.309 easily.
but otherwise .. I see key breakdown at 1.2940 - 1.2920 as the gate to next support territory 1.275 - 1.266 - 1.2577

Even though the GBPUSD may find some support around the 1.2924 level, the pair is still very weak and it may continue falling, specially if the uncertainty about the Brexit presists. 
Good support level on the short term at 1.2720. Possibly it's worth thinking about a long position with a tight stop.