How can I be a successful trader? - page 4

Forex is very important and you can make money from it only if you have knowldge and skills and you are good to learn. So always try to learn forex if you want to be a good trader.

These are the brokers you recommended in your posts



To trade well, you can join and read through reputed forex forums (including this one), take advise from other more experienced traders, and of course develop your strategy yourself. I believe it is probably the most appropriate way. Also, if you're a newbie, then choice of your first brokerage company plays role. Anyway, I wish you all great successes in the market challenge


Taking advice from someone else can be a good thing, as long as that person is someone you know and trust. It's not so much that people on forums are untrustworthy, it's just that people express many different conflicting opinions on forums and a newbie wouldn't know who to listen and will probably only end up confused.

Uncle Flintop:
From my first day of trading I am extremely dedicated to become a successful trader. That’s why, I have chosen MXtrade trading broker due to having exclusive educational facilities with proper video tutorials that are very supportive to be a successful trader rapidly.

I have heard a lot about MXTrade. This is really good for a newbie.


For achieving success from this market place, first of all, we the traders have to acquire most powerful analyzing trade knowledge for predicting the market with certainly. So, I have chosen FirewoodFx in my trading career which for all time make sure best trading environment for acquiring proper trading knowledge by providing exclusive educational facilities. So, my trading life is very much knowable.


You can also try youtube, by the way. There are plenty of free tutorials floating around there, many of them by reputable traders.

You can also try youtube, by the way. There are plenty of free tutorials floating around there, many of them by reputable traders.

I know that as a trader we have to make the best use of the available tutorials as that is the only way for us to make some good income from this business and also in the process we are able to make profits


Trading is an easy business to get into: No degrees or specialized training are required, start-up costs are relatively low and it can be done from the comfort of home. The logistical ease of getting started, however, should in no way imply that becoming a profitable trader is simple.

Most experienced traders would attest that success depends on many factors including hard work, research, planning, discipline and being a lifelong student of the markets. As with many businesses, there are certain principles that, when followed, can greatly increase the chances that a trader will be successful.


Forex actually requires plenty of specialized training, because it's a very specific field of knowledge. It's just that traders are usually self-taught and are responsible for their own training. It's not particularly difficult, but it still requires to put in an effort.

You can also try youtube, by the way. There are plenty of free tutorials floating around there, many of them by reputable traders.

Learning trading using video is more easy to be understood for any beginner and newbie trader. After that you can try to trade in demo first, try to make profit in demo and repeat again and again when you make profit.

Or you can use demo contest to learn trading and you will get real money from that contest. join in this contest is preferable