Why do i trade ??? - page 4

Is there anyone who is more into trading for the thrill of it, rather than for the money.

Not for me. I prefer to find thrill somewhere else. Haha.

Is there anyone who is more into trading for the thrill of it, rather than for the money.

95% are into it for that reason

95% are into it for that reason

I don't think that I agree with that percentage, although I do think that is a factor for many traders. I think most still prefer the money over the thrill any day.

I don't think that I agree with that percentage, although I do think that is a factor for many traders. I think most still prefer the money over the thrill any day.

I don't think that people are looking for thrill on purpose. It is an instinct not a decision to be a gambler. Those that decide to do gambling are not gamblers - those are doing that as a job and they are in a minority


Famous quote is there “We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.”

same rule in trading?

I don't think that people are looking for thrill on purpose. It is an instinct not a decision to be a gambler. Those that decide to do gambling are not gamblers - those are doing that as a job and they are in a minority

That is a good point, actually. Still, I suppose it's too much to ask for people to have self-awareness why they're doing it?

That is a good point, actually. Still, I suppose it's too much to ask for people to have self-awareness why they're doing it?

Why trading then?

on my own:
Why trading then?

Why not trade? I am very much in favour of Forex trading, I just think that people should go into it with their eyes wide open, aware of the risks they are taking, and very much aware of their own motivations and personal flaws. That is the best way to improve and make a profit.

Why not trade? I am very much in favour of Forex trading, I just think that people should go into it with their eyes wide open, aware of the risks they are taking, and very much aware of their own motivations and personal flaws. That is the best way to improve and make a profit.

I don't think that we can trade with eyes wide opened - ever. Not enough information for that


If money were not involed in forex, there will be no thrill at atll .. I think .