Why do i trade ??? - page 2

Not at all. Why do you think that?

Almost all started it as a game


Bluntly put, one trades to make money.

Bluntly put, one trades to make money.

Agreed. Whoever tells differently is faking


find a trading strategy and back test atleast 100 times( risk reward must be atleast 1:1) and check how much TP hit and SL .. if It Hit 80 TP or more then it is good strategy go with it and control your emotions ..( read 25 emotional forex trading rules )

Agreed. Whoever tells differently is faking

I mean, there are other factors too - it's exciting and can bring a lot of satisfaction when you do it well, but the financial profit is the most important reason.


Trading is not about being rich! It is about to be smarter than Wall Street. Trade smart and money will follow. Money is byproduct of trading if trading smart.


Trading is not about being rich! It is about to be smarter than Wall Street. Trade smart and money will follow. Money is byproduct of trading if trading smart. Hermes

Nobody can outsmart the market (Forex is not just about Wall Street). We are trading for money, not for the pleasure of being smart

Nobody can outsmart the market (Forex is not just about Wall Street). We are trading for money, not for the pleasure of being smart

"Outsmarting the market" would be probably one top of the list why people are losing all their money in forex trading.


I see forex more as a game. You take your trumps (or what you call it therefore) and go in when you see good possibilities to win pips. The aim is to to get better and to try to predictict the market better and better. That's the fun. Money, fine, I'll take it, additional stimulation. Are you smart when you win? You can be really good in one thing, but are you smart then? No, you have a talent, not more and not less (everyone knows those people with an frighteningly low IQ, but they make gold out of crap). If you beginn to think you are smart because you win a lot of money (luck or not), you'll loose your friends, your integrity and your authenticity - and yourself. This makes you in turn to a real looser, a poor small sausage.


Trading might not necessarily make you rich, but the additional income you can get from it can be pretty sweet and helpful, if you know what you're doing.