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Latest Forex News

Unemployment Claims were released higher the forecasts

According to statistics from the US Department of Labor, the number of initial applications for the unemployment benefits in January increased from 277 thous to 285 thous.... (Read more)


Latest Forex News

Rockefeller Treasury Services, Inc. Analytics | 4 of February

We were not the only person appalled by the press reports on negative yields. Not only Europe, but now Japan! There is simply no way for negative yields to build anything.... (Read more)


Latest Forex News

Citi: "Oilmageddon is coming"

The largest financial conglomerate Citigroup International believes that the markets are now testing oil "dead loop".... (Read more)


Latest Forex News

Rockefeller Treasury Services, Inc. Analytics | 5 of February

The consensus of economists is that the US faces a 20% probability of a recession, according to the FT survey of 51 economists cited yesterday. This is a low number.... (Read more)


Daily Technical & Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis | EURUSD / GBPUSD | 8 of February

Reporting on Friday data from the US Department of Labor had enough controversial content, let's consider it in details. The total number of people employed in non-agricultural sector amounted to 151 thous against 262 thous and 189 thous which were expected.... (Read more)


Daily Technical & Fundamental Analysis

Daily Analysis from EW-Forecast | EURUSD / USDCAD | 8 of February

After a nice push to the upside in black wave 3, we now see price in what labeled as the 4 wave pullback. The correction in black wave 4, has three legs a-b-c, so ideally this correction is completed and more upside can follow in black wave 5 to around 1.1320-1.1355 area.... (Read more)


Daily Technical & Fundamental Analysis

Daily Analysis | GBPUSD | 8 of February

The GBPUSD has spiked above 1.4600 zone and as I have shown in the latest AUDUSD coverage very often a retracement is mistaken for a trend change which is wrong.... (Read more)


Latest Forex News

What to expect from new data from the US?

World markets have experienced a lot of turbulence since the beginning of 2016. Shares and futures on raw materials are still remain in "shock condition", delaying prospects concerning inflation and softening position of the central banks....(Read more)


Latest Forex News

Rockefeller Treasury Services, Inc. Analytics | 8 of February

The payrolls report on Friday was confusing to some. Yes, the number of new jobs created disappointed on the downside, but average wages rose 2.5% y/y and that was the important number.... (Read more)


Daily Technical & Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis | EURUSD / GBPUSD | 9 of February

Yesterday's macroeconomic news did not have enough good actual parameters for the single currency growth, but the euro closed trading session with a rising by 36 pips. The British pound decreased by 70 pips, the yen rose by more than 100 pips, oil fell by 2.8% for the last trading.... (Read more)