EURUSD - page 7


Waiting to go short soon.

Waiting to go short soon.

Forecast for this week is no big change - ranging week

Forecast for this week is no big change - ranging week

I am not sure about the range bounds, but you are probably right


Good move to the downside.


Directionless EURUSD continues. Current weekly range of 160 pips and 40 pips change are typical no trend week. Volatility low. No change to expect

Directionless EURUSD continues. Current weekly range of 160 pips and 40 pips change are typical no trend week. Volatility low. No change to expect

It ended at week open. There was no trend at all this week - just some stop loss hunting in both dirrection

It ended at week open. There was no trend at all this week - just some stop loss hunting in both dirrection

It is still directionless - needs something big to change the lack of trend


The EURUSD may move tomorrow with the fundamentals, but if there is no real reason to move, the pair may continue consolidating.


I don't think that there will be any change today. ECB is on a course of not doing anything. Not on a course of knowing what to do


Most probably it will continue being directionless. Nothing big in news expected, and market makers do not want to change it for now