Canvas class scroll


Is it possible to fix canvas size to half of datas dimension and to set a scroll on the orizzontal axis?

Here I attach a code which can set as input canva size. If canvas size is bigger than datas size no problem, othervise the chart doesn't display correctly. I'd like to have a scroll function to move data on canvas when datas size is bigger than canvas size. Is it possible? If yes is there any example?

Thanks in advance


Is it possible to fix canvas size to half of datas dimension and to set a scroll on the orizzontal axis?

Here I attach a code which can set as input canva size. If canvas size is bigger than datas size no problem, othervise the chart doesn't display correctly. I'd like to have a scroll function to move data on canvas when datas size is bigger than canvas size. Is it possible? If yes is there any example?

Thanks in advance


As far as I know it is not possible

Bitmaps are not scaled in metatrader bitmap handling - at least that was the case I was testing them the last time, and the only way to make them smaller was to resize the source bitmap itself - no "soft way" to do that was possible


I found an example where they can scroll text on a canvas creating a OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL (Rectangle Label) (, but I'm not sure you can do the same with chart lines.

I found an example where they can scroll text on a canvas creating a OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL (Rectangle Label) (, but I'm not sure you can do the same with chart lines.


The OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL and OBJ_BITMAP are completely different types of animals. Not possible to handle them in the same way