Where & how do Volume indicators get information


Where & how do Volume indicators get information

Where & how do Volume indicators get information

Locally from the broker they run on(if it is a real volume)

Or ticks - which are no volume at all


Forex symbols usually do not have volume, just ticks

Forex symbols usually do not have volume, just ticks

I have been told that some brokers are offering real volumes (of their own clients only, of course, since there is no centralized place where the rest of volumes could be collected in real time), but frankly I did not check that

Ray Cooper:
Actually, I use fixed trading volume in my live trading. That’s way, I don’t need to depend on any additional trading indicator.

Sorry, but what volumes are you talking about?


as far as i heard,some or mostly brokers sell informations to big banks,financial institutions about volume (whole traded volume of all different instruments) that is in action from them,and so on those sharks collect data to decide their trading strategy....but it is all a rough idea till you have all data from all sides that is impossible till now.not centralized.



I think that banks have more data than brokers. They are liquidity providers - brokers will never have that information that banks have

I think that banks have more data than brokers. They are liquidity providers - brokers will never have that information that banks have

but there is not one liquidity provider same as not one bank or one broker or one trader,matter is no one have all information at one central point.

but there is not one liquidity provider same as not one bank or one broker or one trader,matter is no one have all information at one central point.


That is true. But some liquidity providers are much bigger than the rest (like Deutsche bank for example) which makes them have much more information than the rest

mntiwana That is true. But some liquidity providers are much bigger than the rest (like Deutsche bank for example) which makes them have much more information than the rest

Dearest MLADEN,

does liquidity providers also do trading by their owns in all instruments, like other big banks.


Dearest MLADEN,

does liquidity providers also do trading by their owns in all instruments, like other big banks.


This can help : Citi, Deutsche Bank Lose Currency Trading Share, Greenwich Says - Bloomberg Business