Best Alternative Solutions Comparatively - page 38


based on "trading view" logarithmic charts of eurusd(red) , eurgbp(blue) , gbpusd (yellow) -  fxcm data - eurusd is in the middle as predicted  so looks like it wan not just a coding matter of PZ_overlay.

now this will get interesting if we take volume to consideration (given that fxcm share real volume data but not sure if this is actual fxm vol data) , as u can see when red price break other prices volume goes real high (12:00 - 15:00 of both 30th , 31th) so maybe this is some sort of arbitrage opportunity ? again no clue , just trying to connect the dots

p.s:tradingview default timezone is UTC , this means 12:00 to 15:00 clock is london/newyork overlap session which might explain high volume

so u say it has nothing to do with anything beside how active a currency is during those periods ? for example if CAD & EUR were more active in example 1 then EURCAD would be in the middle most times ? am i following your logic ?

No,not that,the main matter/factor we are putting in back,we have to search out/analyze reasons,why and which individual (singular currency) is weak or strong,........ for to test and check a currency PAIR we are going to expand and double our work and search.for example we take EURUSD pair,we will have to analyze all and every thing about all two currencies that is too hard,long and impossible for us at least.

let me start from previous line,for example we find USD is weak or getting weak against all other major instrument (7) or at least more than 50 % (4-5) instruments .this confirm us that USD is really weak,same way we have to search out which one currency (singular) is strong against all major currencies (7) and we find JPY is strongest among others,then we should take position in USDJPY pair,in this case we have better winning ratio and also when we are in weaker/stronger currencies trade,almost there is flow/trend (no ranging situation)


No,not that

did u read these , they're closely related to our discussion :

based on cluster idea

very old





i remember downloading csdash but can't remember what went wrong :)) but FF users are happy with it .


did u read these , they're closely related to our discussion :

based on cluster idea

very old





i remember downloading csdash but can't remember what went wrong :)) but FF users are happy with it .

Much thanks for links,i am taking time to search some thing of my taste and needs from these links,mean while this is a picture,i was describing you since,according to this EURNZD is trade able .


Kumo, I think your pattern has something to do with OS and OB. If the middle currency pair breaks out, it has to go back like drawn back on a rubberband.

The old cluster indicators :)  but they don't allow PA


Much thanks for links,i am taking time to search some thing of my taste and needs from these links,mean while this is a picture,i was describing you since,according to this EURNZD is trade able .

there's a problem with this kind of indicators (csdash) , they are showing 1 number , that doesn't mean anything imo . so ok eurnzd is probably the best pair to trade right now ! but just right now ! increasing in strength is much better tool (trend wise)so maybe cluster indicators are more useful (generally speaking, i don't have any experience using them) . 

Kumo, I think your pattern has something to do with OS and OB. If the middle currency pair breaks out, it has to go back like drawn back on a rubberband.

The old cluster indicators :)  but they don't allow PA

if any kind of information can be taken from this ,then it's "winning" .breaking patterns has something to do with volatility too (i guess) but i'm so confused why one pair is always in the middle
if any kind of information can be taken from this ,then it's "winning" .breaking patterns has something to do with volatility too (i guess) but i'm so confused why one pair is always in the middle

"but i'm so confused why one pair is always in the middle"

Is it not strange,there must be 1 out of 3 be in middle .... do you expect " 0 or 2 or 4 " in middle out of 3.

i believe u didn't get the point of my last posts , if u plot 3 currency pair together based on 3 currency like AX , AZ , XZ then AZ (which is equal AX * XZ) is always in the middle . this pattern is confusing for me .

Yes,your believe is right,but you mentioned in your that last post "one" pair that was the reason confusing me too,you know i read your posts interestingly to pick some thing :)


Yes,your believe is right,but you mentioned in your that last post "one" pair that was the reason confusing me too,you know i read your posts interestingly to pick some thing :)

mocking can be fun