Best Alternative Solutions Comparatively - page 15


Dearest MLADEN,

Thanks to YOU , to MRTOOLS and to big BOSS along with the whole team of TSD on the first day of NEW TSD START DAY ............ have a WISHFUL CONGRATULATIONS from me along with all of us TSD members..........THANKS to true one LORD........




Dearest MLADEN,

as of my curiosity,i tried on Elite/Advance Elite sections,those let me in and as a sample i down loaded one indicator too,a great day of joys and pleasures for us members ....... so now if we can post all sort of indicators (Elite/Advance Elite) any where with out hesitations and restrictions ?





As you can see there are changes (and errors), but they will be solved and then we continue as usual


Wow, that looks very nice here. Nice nice. Hope the errors will be fixed soon but I have no time this weekend, so it's ok

Yes As you can see there are changes (and errors), but they will be solved and then we continue as usual

Dearest MLADEN,

yes i am seeing and noticing after every short interval,frequently changes happening,toward solving and adjusting things to their exact place,hope it will not take more than few days for to be smooth routine as it was before,thanks.




Dearest MLADEN,

yes i am seeing and noticing after every short interval,frequently changes happening,toward solving and adjusting things to their exact place,hope it will not take more than few days for to be smooth routine as it was before,thanks.



Already a lot have been done

A lot more coming but all in due time - it will not take that long to have all the current issues sorted out and solved. I think and feel that the main thing was to enable download of all the things. The rest is coming as natural extension of that


Already a lot have been done

A lot more coming but all in due time - it will not take that long to have all the current issues sorted out and solved. I think and feel that the main thing was to enable download of all the things. The rest is coming as natural extension of that

yes BOSS, now we can have what and where from,thanks for that kind.



yes BOSS, now we can have what and where from,thanks for that kind.


The rest is also going to be sorted out - and the things are getting sorted our quickly


yes BOSS, now we can have what and where from,thanks for that kind.


As a reminder : no more restriction for download and posting in any section. Things are gradually being sorted out, the home page will be changed (to be able to see posts by the order of posting from newest to oldest - as we have been used to and as it is logical, and the rest of the things are being done)


First of all, I'm writing it for myself to calm my mind. And I hope that my message to someone will be useful, too.

Dear Mladen and Bill have done for hundreds of thousands of people amazing, diverse indicators. It's true. And we are very grateful for that.

But, I want to remind all those who are just at the beginning, as well as those who for a long time, but lost his way.

Grail does not exist. No one knows where the price will go next moment. I see how people are moving hundreds of indicators and can not stop. They are looking, throw, (they do not even try to change the settings to carry out an experiment), then again looking for. And that could take years. Frankly, I did that too.

Grail exists only in your head, in your mind. You must clearly know exactly what you want from the price? What do you want to see? You must to ask questions.

No need to try to predict where the price will go, because it's wrong. You just need to follow the price.

If you're going to ask the right questions, you will find indicators that will help you feel comfortable. Even if the position will be negative, you will not be afraid, because you know that your indicator still will not let you, just follow the system in your head. And everything will be good.