Strategies with edge for retail traders?


Strategies with edge for retail traders?

(Apologies in advance if this considered a dumb question!)

Are there any trading strategies that work specifically well for retail traders?

For example, picture a trader sitting on the trading floor at UBS saying "Gee if only I was trading my own money from home - I would pick off this and I would pick off that. It would be easy. But I simply can't do with the big position sizes that I am forced to take for the bank"

I am not asking people to share what the strategies are, if they indeed exist.

But more a nod-of-the-head saying "Yes, you are on the right track. Just keeping looking for it and working away at it".

Thanks in advance for sharing your comments.


No bank trader is thinking that. Why give up your salary and your bonus and then have to risk your own capital?

Edges are not easy to find but it is not impossible. Slightly easier in equities and indexes than forex so what you decide to trade can affect your success rate greatly.

The biggest problem for most will always be under capitalization.

The vast majority will fail in this business. The best thing you can do is not be stubborn and decide quickly if you can or cannot do this. If you can't then moving on quickly will save you a lot of time and money.


If you trade your own money you risk it all

If you trade someone elses money, what do you risk? Maybe a loss of bonus

If you trade your own money you risk it all If you trade someone elses money, what do you risk? Maybe a loss of bonus

I do not think it is a wise idea to do our trading with some one else money because after all we are going to loose it and a loss is a loss.

It would be much better if we start doing our trades in the Demo accounts and learn something

Isabelle Watson:
I do not think it is a wise idea to do our trading with some one else money because after all we are going to loose it and a loss is a loss. It would be much better if we start doing our trades in the Demo accounts and learn something

Did you read my post at all?

Please do