Do you prefer trading with high leverage?


One of the biggest reasons why the forex market is exciting and accessible to small retail traders is because of the industry’s high leverage options. Leverage gives a trader the ability to increase the potential return on an investment but also it increases the potential risk.


High leverage is one of the advantages of trading forex. But in using high leverage one has to be careful because of the high risk involved. Great experience is needed to be able to trade high leverage and yield profit.


If you trade with high leverage without taking to consideration risks, this high leverage might easily destroy account. I suppose that leverage should be not too high. Also, risk management strategy definitely should be implemented. Maybe it's better to trade several deals at once with comparatively low leverage?


I always set the highest leverage provided by the broker. It is because leverage is not a problem while trading, its the high lots that any trader uses in accordance with his trading capital is what brings huge losses to the account.


High leverage is definitely not for newbies. You should have enough skills and experience to afford it and gain profit. So, actually what brokers with high leverage could you advise?


Nobody should trade using high leverage - that s the shortest road to margin call

Nobody should trade using high leverage - that s the shortest road to margin call

When trading we have to understand the importance of using the correct Trading Leverages.

Because only then we will start getting a good income and this is also a reason why we have to start with the Low leverage settings


High leverage was not invented to make trading safer - it was invented to gather gamblers into trading


No I do no like high leverage for trading. Leverage is killer some times it looks nice to trade with high leverage but at what time it will become dangerous you can not know in time. You know when all is gone from your hand. I trade with 1:100 or 1:200 leverage.


From first day of trading, I am extremely dependable on this short time trading strategy that is the foremost source for making profit in my trading life. Because, I have not hue capital for long time trade.


Never trade high leverage - unless you have death wish