Just Some Help would be appreciated re your Site, - page 2


accessed your site via window 8, and no problem, i see page numbers.

my problem is coming from pc using vista as os. any ideas, vista will not show page numbers, but other laptop using windows 8, will...?

accessed your site via window 8, and no problem, i see page numbers. my problem is coming from pc using vista as os. any ideas, vista will not show page numbers, but other laptop using windows 8, will...?

It is probably a java script compatibility issue. Try updating it

Other than that, I can not help (I never used vista). Will ask the developers to see what do they tell


Vista was an unfortunate windows episode (almost like ME)


working now, you guys must have corrected the problem, working now on vista thanks

working now, you guys must have corrected the problem, working now on vista thanks

Glad that you can work OK now

The developers are constantly working on any problem reported and we hope that soon it will be flawless (as much as it is possible, of course)