UK Queen's Speech Confirms EU Referendum for 2017 - page 2


UK PM Cameron says to campaign for EU if successful in renegotiation

Oct 4 Prime Minister David Cameron said on Sunday that he would campaign to keep Britain in the European Union if other leaders granted him the concessions he wants, but cautioned that if they refused then he ruled nothing out.

"I rule nothing out," Cameron said when asked if he would campaign to leave the EU if he failed to secure the reforms he wants. "But I am confident we will get what we need."

"Look, I am involved in a negotiation," he told the BBC. "I am trying to get for Britain the things that we need and obviously once I have got them I will turn around and make the case for staying in a reformed Europe."


EU's Tusk says he has now received reform requests from UK PM Cameron EU Council president out on Rtrs

  • has received letter from Cameron requesting EU reforms
  • will hold bilateral talks with EU member states and EU parliament next week
  • Elsewhere the EU Commissionare saying that some UK demands are "highly problematic" as they touch on fundamental freedoms

  • ready to work for fair deal for Britain that is also fair for all other member states

Meanwhile UK fin min Osborneis also piping up with " Britain has a good chance of achieving the reforms it needs"

We'll see about that George but it could be a watershed moment either way