Proof Of Successful Traders???


I have wasted 13 years of my life trying to consistently make money trading the markets! And I am here to tell everyone (UNLESS ANYONE) can show me live profitable trading history month after month year after year to WAKE up!! This is all rigged by the banks and big players to make you LOSE money in the end! I have had 4-6 month periods at a time where I make 500-1000% gains BUT THEN the market conditions ALWAYS change and I lose all I made and more by years end or into second year!

One merely has to look no further then under the countless mt4 signal providers or robots and it's CLEAR: THAT THEY ALL FAIL IN THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many make nice gains for months sometimes even up to a year at a time with the risk of a huge drawdown or using very bad risk to reward ratio. THEN one day BOOM!!!!!!!! They all fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I challenge anyone to show me a years + worth of live trade history where the wins are more then and all greater then the lost trades. The only ones making bank are the banks over the long haul and people who have insider information. I can find countless people which made fortunes in realestate and on internet marketing but no creditable verifiable everyday people who got wealthy trading.


Trying to understand what you told and I can not. Can you explain it more? Free trading course of your broker made yo a winner? I sincerely doubt that


In the end, it will all depend on the trader himself on how he can quickly adjust to market changes. Broker training is only a small part of the equation.


the most trae do not share the menthod or reuslt. because it is secret of investor. they usually keep secret for them. in investment market we need secret about their strategy


There is no secret in trading

There is secret when it comes to "relatives" and "friends" : once you say that you are successful in forex trading, the number of those raises exponentially


Trolling 101 : prove me that you are successful trader and show me how. Seen 1000s of times

If you use that way to get a system then you are going to lose as fast as it can get.

Trolling 101 : prove me that you are successful trader and show me how. Seen 1000s of times If you use that way to get a system then you are going to lose as fast as it can get.

There will always be people that think that it is the vest way of getting the "secrets" from traders. Would they be surprised when they learn that there is no secret


Maybe the error was to spend the last 13 years trading the same way. If the method you are using is not working why not to try other strategies, or to reinforce your knowledge of the market by taking trading courses? Hoping that one day you would just wake up and become a winner is only a dream.

Maybe the error was to spend the last 13 years trading the same way. If the method you are using is not working why not to try other strategies, or to reinforce your knowledge of the market by taking trading courses? Hoping that one day you would just wake up and become a winner is only a dream.

If he was trading 13 years he would not ask the questions he is asking. That post is trolling for a free profitable system because he believes that is the way he can get it. It never occurred to him that he should learn and that is the "secret"?


Actually, according to my trading experience, I think, the success of Forex is open secret for all. First and foremost, you must have a knowledgeable trade by learning and besides, you also have a reliable support from a trading platform for getting success. That’s why; I am very dedicated to learn Forex properly with support which is very supportive to me to become a successful trade by on condition that many educational facilities.


a successful trader, is a trader that makes a constant profit on a yearly basis! and i dont think many tradrs would be comfortable sharing their earnings and loses!! its kinda personal...