Why do Traders Lose? - page 3


Lack of knowledge also will be a main reason why trader lose their money. So i think when we want to start trading in forex, learning is the first step which we should do before we want to start trading. We also can use demo account to get trading experience. And try to use small amount first


In forex there are alot of reason why trader lose. And i think failure to follow a plan makes them to lose. In a plan every aspect of forex that will make you to win should be in a plan and so failure to follow that plan is an avenue for failure.

In forex there are alot of reason why trader lose. And i think failure to follow a plan makes them to lose. In a plan every aspect of forex that will make you to win should be in a plan and so failure to follow that plan is an avenue for failure.

We must have plan if we want to be successful trader. We also must be discipline with our trading plan cause it will lead us to be successful trader in forex. But our trading experience must be used as lesson to make us be better trader


Lack of patience is one of the reason why some traders lose and also having the wrong information thinking that forex is money making machine without risk.


Because brokers trade against them - buckets

I also found a good article on why traders lose, check this out -> The Top 10 Reasons for Forex Trading Failure

Thankyou for this link. It was a good additional to the already good information here. Cheers.


Mostly I have seen that many traders don't have patience and they loose money. If you are in Forex, the very big weapon with you is patience. If you have it you can really not loose any of your money.


Actually no one has the ability to stop loss in Forex completely. But captivating some steps it can reduce sometimes. When I kicked off trading, I was not able to earn profit and did much loss. Then I started to learn Forex properly. Because I do believe without learning it is not possible to reduce loss at all. Now I am learning from my trading broker MXTrade where huge educational facilities are available. So I am becoming a knowledgeable trade day by day by using these facilities.


I think having the awareness that forex is a business were you turn millions overnight and so they jump into trading so much in a hurry to make millions without patiently learning forex make most traders have losing trades.


In order to my trading experience, I think, the people who have a tendency to become rich by Forex without learning they must live in a fool’s paradise and they always fall a great loss. So I am very sincere to learn Forex in a right way with support of my trading platform MxTrade. As a newcomer, firstly I did free Forex beginner’s course where I have gathered the advantage of Forex and why the people are joining in this business very rapidly. By the way, now I am in the most powerful educational material Forex eBook that provides the Physiology and the behavior with financial concepts and terms. Additionally, I am getting accurate successful trading tips and the policy how to trade and when the perfect time of trading. Moreover, now I am becoming a knowledgeable trader.