Why do Traders Lose?


While trading in the Forex is simple and accessible to anyone around the world, it does not mean that each trade will result in profits. Opening a position on a currency pairs brings with it a certain level of risk that it will end up moving unexpectedly in incurring traders a loss.

This risk, however, can be managed by proper strategizing and execution since many losing trades are the result of undisciplined or information lacking traders. Some of the most common mistakes that lead to losses are the following:

Guessing instead of Analysing

When picking a currency pair to trade, there are many options available to determine which one can be the most profitable. You can either study its chart and price movement to find out what trend it is currently following or use economic indicator as clues to whether what direction it will take in the near future. Losing trades are those that skip this all important step, resorting instead to pick one at random and hoping it will turn out to be a good choice.

Disregarding the Plan

Traders should always know when they are willing to exit a position to either cash in their profits or cut off their losses. Sometimes, however, excitement or fear can take over and lead to traders not following their original plan. They could end up overstaying to a point that they lose what profit they already have gained or closing a position too early because it started to move in the opposite direction they wanted it to.

Not Using Stop Losses

Stop losses is a powerful risk management tool. By placing them on each trade you make, you can assure yourself that you will not lose more than what you are willing to risk to make a profit. This way, you can leave your positions open to garner larger profits. Failing to use stop losses means that you are leaving yourself vulnerable to losing your entire account.



Maybe Because You Not Have Head..............................


I think post of traders don`t have patience. They want to be rich in short time. Forex is not short cut way. But if you have good knowledge and experience then you can do well. Also here have good opportunity to double your money.


I also found a good article on why traders lose, check this out -> The Top 10 Reasons for Forex Trading Failure


Most trader is aware the importance of money management in forex but fail to apply it in their trading . And also every trader need to be patience .


Experience, right strategy, no emotions - try to minimize your risks. GNS


We lost because something like we go swimming with a set of Golfing equipment.


hahaha traders lose when they do not know what they are doing!! and tons more little reasons that comes with it

hahaha traders lose when they do not know what they are doing!! and tons more little reasons that comes with it

They do know (what they are doing)

Taking big risks to become rich. Greed and hope are reasons No1 to fail in forex


Traders Lose because they not have good system and also no luck, this both are very important for Forex


The reason why most traders loose can be summed into; lack of discipline to follow a trading plan through, greed, and impatience, and a bad trading strategy.