Latest shocking statistics of forex winners and losers


Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has issued an announcement warning of the potential dangers of trading FX, following a mounting number of complaints from investors.

While the AMF serves as a regulator for a variety of unauthorized FX and Binary Option providers, it has embarked on a campaign to educate would-be traders and investors of the potential perils of FX trading.

According to the results of its exclusive study, nine out of every ten individual customers experiences net losses – the sample size included both FX and CFD (Contract For Difference) traders in France, in what has become the first comprehensive assessment of these instruments in this manner.

Furthermore, the final results of the study yielded that over a four-year period (2009-2012), the percentage of investors experiencing losses came in at 89%. The average loss of a customer during this period was $13,800 (€10,900).

In the four years combined, a total of 13,224 customers experienced aggregate losses of nearly $220 million (€175 million), with the remaining 1,575 customers earning a combined $17.51 million (€13.8 million).

While these results in and of themselves are unlikely to herald a widespread change in the industry, they do underscore the latent risks in FX trading, along with the need for proper FX-educated traders

AMF Publishes Four-Year FX Study, 89% of Investors Experiencing LossesForex Magnates

Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has issued an announcement warning of the potential dangers of trading FX, following a mounting number of complaints from investors.

While the AMF serves as a regulator for a variety of unauthorized FX and Binary Option providers, it has embarked on a campaign to educate would-be traders and investors of the potential perils of FX trading.

According to the results of its exclusive study, nine out of every ten individual customers experiences net losses – the sample size included both FX and CFD (Contract For Difference) traders in France, in what has become the first comprehensive assessment of these instruments in this manner.

Furthermore, the final results of the study yielded that over a four-year period (2009-2012), the percentage of investors experiencing losses came in at 89%. The average loss of a customer during this period was $13,800 (€10,900).

In the four years combined, a total of 13,224 customers experienced aggregate losses of nearly $220 million (€175 million), with the remaining 1,575 customers earning a combined $17.51 million (€13.8 million).

While these results in and of themselves are unlikely to herald a widespread change in the industry, they do underscore the latent risks in FX trading, along with the need for proper FX-educated traders

AMF Publishes Four-Year FX Study, 89% of Investors Experiencing LossesForex Magnates

Again, the numbers of customers (traders) don't add up with the fairly fairy tale spread by mq about millions of traders ...

Thanks for the article man ... we need real data and real studies to estimate what is the whole thing about


According to numbers reported by US brokers to CFTC total number of retail traders in 2010 was exactly 152,053 retail forex traders in the US. If we add all up there can be maximum 1-1.5 million retail traders worldwide (at the most - last years we are witnesses of a significant drop of that number).

MQ tales are tales that they would like to believe in (don't forget that most of the real traders are not using metatrader) - nothing else, With Reuters numbers taken into account, the number of traders have dropped at least 50% since 2010. Meaning, that right now, there is 750.000 traders worldwide (as the maximum estimate). That is the "secret" that metatrader is hiding and that is why they are shifting to magazines sales (and ultimately paper underwear sales)


just passing on the info

and totally agree its best that as many see the stats as possible to hopefully see what we are really dealing with here,

as its certainly not traders who are making millions

whats most surprising is the such small total payout and in a 5 trillion a day market something seems to of gone very wrong somewhere

one trader on FF the other wk was claiming to be trading 500lots so this alone should be way over the 10million GBP (or he's lying)

if its this bad there should be stronger regulation to prevent such losses per individual,

maybe limiting losses to 3k per trader, and winners can keep trading

and they could ban all those bloomin binary emails while they're at it

(i think i may start a brokerage, because if you cant beat them, you may aswell join them)

at least they highlight the need for proper Forex education


Good that they are highlighting the need for proper forex education, but the problem is in the pupils. Majority think that "forex education" means decompiling ex4 files and removing the protection. If you ask them about MM, risk or god forbid, what leverage they plan to use to minimize risk, you will be considered a nuisance not a help

Well on the contrary best part of talks there is about MM, risk, techy or fundamental analysis. I think discussion should dig into the subject a little bit deeper, not in general wordings.Best way to do that - make a real trade and post experience there, no matter it was a loss or profit..

That is exactly what should be avoided and that is exactly the opposite of what they (the AMF) are recommending. People should be informed what are their odds to lose before they give their money away (does not matter what amount is in question)