Can you stick to a trading plan exactly?


Can you stick to a trading plan exactly?

there were times that I was tempted not to follow my plan and trade according to what I see and feel.


Aren't we all trading according to what we see?


Sticking to a trading plan takes a lot of discipline.It is important for a trading plan should be tailored according to your needs. You need to also learn to control your emotion because most times it make one deviate from trading plan. Sticking to a trading plan most times lead to success.


It is not easy to follow a trading plan because the market is not always stable. And it take discipline for a trader to easily follow a plan accordingly. But it is beneficial to do so.


Depending on the plan, but I think that to have rom for flexibility is not necessary bad. However, as much as possible one should stick to it.


Following a trading plan is not easy. But discipline and patience will help to do so.


Yes, I normally do. I stick with the single trading plan in whole trade. But in very few trades in which I have changed my gears and then done things differently.


good trading plan leads to regular small gains...not following plan, might sometimes lead to a huge wins that will be followed by even bigger losses...if you haven't try it yet...


Or trending system can do that : it is usually considered that 20% of trades in a trending system are those that are bringing in the profit


I guess all traders will have to go through some adjustments, results depend on how severe the adjust is, lets say you follow the plan 95% and do a 5% adjustment, another thing to think about is the plan its self is it 100% profitable? so that 5 % is gonna be either good or bad, well its all about the odds and we follow where we have a grater odd of winning.


hii guys ..

Following a trading plan is not easy.good trading plan leads to regular small gains.but guysIt is not easy to follow a trading plan because the market is not always stable.

thank you