What are the tips that can help me to control my emotions while trading? - page 3


motions are very harmful for forex trading and we should control our emotions during trade. But i am also afraid ot is very hard to control them and there is specific method to control them . It is trader himself who can control emotions.


The best remedy is to incest only what you can afford to lose


Breathe deeply, quiet music... If it helps you, sure) Cause for me some Slipknot is better than lounge.

And don't forget how useful can be ugly cry sometimes))

Unfortunately the emotions are our enemy during trading, as they impact directly our actions and decisions. I think that in order to control our emotional impulses we should establish a trading plan and rules of action and follow them consistently without breaking them. Sometimes it’s unavoidable to give in to your emotions ,but in these moments I prefer to discontinue trading for a while and start again when I am calm and clear-headed.

The only thing that ever helped me was time. The more, the longer I traded on a live account, the number I got. It happened not so much because I learned to control my emotions but because I was emotionally exhausted.

When the emotions take lead to your trading most probably you will lose then make profit. My tips to control the emotions: look away at something that will calm you down, take a drink, review again the situation. Or simply go to Demo environment and express your emotions there  once you see the result with clear eyes you will not gonna repeat it at Live, that is for sure

Buddha said you must not control your emotions, you must let them pass and not react to them. Emotions and actions are two different things, and you must be aware of that. If you feel an emotion, but you do not act on it, then you will have what you call "control".

I always think of Buddha when I read these threads about controlling emotions. There's one particular quote along the lines of "Do not try and control what cannot be controlled" but I can't find it ANYWHERE online. Beginning to think I made it up. Do you know what I'm on about? 
You can try doing Yoga or listening Music it works for me but it can work for you too.
I always think of Buddha when I read these threads about controlling emotions. There's one particular quote along the lines of "Do not try and control what cannot be controlled" but I can't find it ANYWHERE online. Beginning to think I made it up. Do you know what I'm on about? 

It’s a good quote either way.

over-imagination is cause of greed and fear(suffering) watch your own thoughts.make your mind thoughtless,practice it .