[Strategy] Trading Binary Options With Dolly Graphics 15 Signals generated by SR/Fibo - page 2


And how will it help when binary options are in question?

Binary options are gambling - regardless of what tools or indicators you use

And how will it help when binary options are in question? Binary options are gambling - regardless of what tools or indicators you use

In fact if you look at the other side of the coin you will find many profitable in BO.

Secondly, you can work in BO if you use the right strategy and money management. People that fail in BO tend to consider it casino, but just because they loose doesnt mean it is Casino/Gambling.


Some weekend reading : Don't Gamble On Binary Options - ForbesRead the part about 55%. That is in fact worse than casino. Why do you assume that people do not know what is it all about. Time when information hiding was a power in the hands of swindlers are long gone


Forex is risky, Binary Option is risky, gambling is risky, to marry someone is risky (more divorces than people who stay together), life is risky. But you have to take your chances.

Trading B.O. is possible, but the most important thing one has to do, is only trust your self and trying to find a trustworthy broker ...:rolleyes:

Forex is risky, Binary Option is risky, gambling is risky, to marry someone is risky (more divorces than people who stay together), life is risky. But you have to take your chances. Trading B.O. is possible, but the most important thing one has to do, is only trust your self and trying to find a trustworthy broker ...:rolleyes:

Well Said! Well Said!


Apart from other differences, there is one obvious : when you go to casino they do not promise you "75% an hour" and similar s...

Apart from other differences, there is one obvious : when you go to casino they do not promise you "75% an hour" and similar s...

I didnt see my broker promise me this. All they say is that return equal to 75% if I win the trade...


Just a simple search on "75% an hour binary" : https://www.google.com/search?q=75%25+an+hour+binary&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sbQuite a few "broker" in google answer there

Anyway, good luck to anybody trading it - they are going to need it when the expectations are pumped up that way

Just a simple search on "75% an hour binary" : https://www.google.com/search?q=75%25+an+hour+binary&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sbQuite a few "broker" in google answer there Anyway, good luck to anybody trading it - they are going to need it when the expectations are pumped up that way

Lets leave it as-is Some people want trade forex, others binary, others going to Casino. Everyone find it's own way around to loose or profit. You think BO is gambling, I think that its up to every trader to decide if he gamble or trade. Your opinion is yours, same as mine is mine . I lost in binary options for months until I realized that I need to learn it, learn how to trade rather how to gamble it, now I am learning on demo. I suggest anyone who start BO, first practice on demo, see if they are confident in this and see if its for them at all before they invest real money into it. Some people might gain same as some might loose, just like in Forex.

Lets wish everyone good luck in anything they do and continue on


Hello, what timeframe does this strategy works on?