Can I get every thing from reading Books? - page 4


OF course, you can improve your knowledge from books in order to being success in forex trade.


if you can drive just by reading book ,

then you can trade just by reading book

trading , drving , accounting ,........and so on needs reading and theory knowledge just for first step .


reading a book is like having sex in the mind , with orgasms in your head.In real market In live trading book information is overcome by orgasms of emotions i.e fear greed , loss

writers write , prostitutes prostitute themselvers , coders code , scammers scam , traders trade , writers no trade , they write bs of something they no nothing about , just unproven theories.


Isn't that too sexual perception of trading?

Isn't that too sexual perception of trading?

No !Trading is a perception of sex , either you screw the market or u get screwed .It is a zero sum game , you have to screw the others to make money.


You have to learn a lot and you can learn it by reading books but for making real profit from trading, you need to practice a lot as well and gain practical experience. Only then you will become able to make good and regular profit from forex market.


Start trading with demo, it will help a lot, cause books are good, but still u need practice


Books are a set of rules

They can not replace real trading - they never will

Books are a set of rules They can not replace real trading - they never will

All needs to be combined. If any part is left out (learning or trading) all fals apart

Books are a set of rules They can not replace real trading - they never will

humans have emotions and phsyche , books can not train the mind , little knowledge is dangerous

more important is knowing you , you are your worst enemy in trading