I want to put a live chat room on my site, any ideas how to do this?



I have a website and quite a few members have suggested that adding a chat room would be a great idea.

I'm searching for something I might be able to integrate well into my site.

Has anyone tried RumbleTalk or C-box?


I have a website and quite a few members have suggested that adding a chat room would be a great idea.

I'm searching for something I might be able to integrate well into my site.

Has anyone tried RumbleTalk or C-box?

Some Jomla free chats : Chat - Joomla! Extensions Directory

A lot of free extensions can be found (depending on what did you use for your site)


Hi, I try Chat4Support.com which helps to easily put a live chat roon on website. I like this live chat and visitor tracking solution. It is definitely worth a try and it doesnt hurt when you can try their free version too. They provide outstanding support!!


I use Blab! which I find very good to use - and easy to setup. There is a free version - but with the paid version people can post pictures, files etc ... - can be seen here BlaB! - PHP/AJAX web chat systems



I went with Rumbletalk after all! I discovered that it is the best html chat room application for me.

Why I decided for Rumbletalk?

1. I can deal with my own particular configuration as much as I need

2. I can post youtube recordings, outlines, pictures, documents of all kind

3. I can utilize it on my page, and my website also

4. It works truly pleasant on telephones and my ipad

5. It is protected application not at all like other visit applications which could be hacked really simple

6. With removing talk logs I can build SEO as well(offered just by Rumbletalk)

7. Guests like it a considerable measure also!

I also like it a lot because it is possible to create amultiple chat rooms

Worth using it!


I went with Rumbletalk after all! I discovered that it is the best html chat room application for me.

Why I decided for Rumbletalk?

1. I can deal with my own particular configuration as much as I need

2. I can post youtube recordings, outlines, pictures, documents of all kind

3. I can utilize it on my page, and my website also

4. It works truly pleasant on telephones and my ipad

5. It is protected application not at all like other visit applications which could be hacked really simple

6. With removing talk logs I can build SEO as well(offered just by Rumbletalk)

7. Guests like it a considerable measure also!

I also like it a lot because it is possible to create amultiple chat rooms

Worth using it!

Nice. Does it work in high loads?


All of all ChatWing takes the cake for sure now a days. Because of it's low cost, supportive design, many new features included which is really useful for the users and the admin. Actually the cost of ChatWing live chat room is really low. So that the users feel free to use this service. For more details visit the following link: http://www.blog.chatwing.com


All of all chatwing takes the cake now. Because of it's low cost, new design, many new features included. Chatwing has now added a new feature for iPhone/iPad which is really amazing. For more details visit the following site: http://www.blog.chatwing.com


Now, a brand new feature of the next iPhone is preseted: you can call others with it. This is totally crazy and pioneering, as everything from Apple. If I were them, I would secure the patent on it as quick as possible. And with the app chatwing you can also replace the receiver. How cool is that?


If you need to setup web based chat room then how the desktop phone will help you?


Hey there, just wanted to let you all know that Rumbletalk offers a free trial now! More info here: Rumbletalk free trial!