Dolly? - page 2

Mladen and Cja, take a look at this webpage about Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and I hope this can do some help... bad thing is you guys have to waste lots of time fighting with this issue instead of coding...

I am already used to see my stuff renamed and sold (see metaquotes market )

I am trying to think positive : if they steal from me it probably means that I am doing something OK (but, then seeing the solar wind is the most "stolen" one, not so sure any more )


It is all the result of posting source code

That was the policy that helped metaquotes and nobody else (not even users, as we see it now). We have been played and used like morons by a company could not case less about users (they even do not pretend that they care). I would like to see the "progress" of metaquotes if it was not for users sharing their coding work - there would be no metaquotes


Metaquotes market is funny at the least. See this : Center of Gravity. He even did not change the name of the indicator from here


As far as I know Cja didn't post a source of Dolly. I am just curious about the password - are they still us "free at tsd" as the password? If so, I suggest cja use "property of" or "do not buy its freeby" as password.;)

As far as I know Cja didn't post a source of Dolly. I am just curious about the password - are they still us "free at tsd" as the password? If so, I suggest cja use "property of" or "do not buy its freeby" as password.;)


Decompiling of code compiled with builds previous to build 500 took a couple of seconds, so I doubt that the password is the same.