Advanced Cycle Analysis - page 12

Thanks, sorry I couldn't see it before. This also makes suggested option almost useless. Could you please add an alert on cycle direction change? It sometimes happens very suddenly.
It does, but i would like to remind you that Goertzel browser recalculates. I am not sure that alerts would help (I am almost sure tat they would not help on a recalculating indicator)
Could you explain this opinion? Browser does not rethink too often to confuse a trader, but when it does, this should be treated as a reason to cancel previous entry, shouldn't it? 
Could you explain this opinion? Browser does not rethink too often to confuse a trader, but when it does, this should be treated as a reason to cancel previous entry, shouldn't it? 


Gortzel browser is a sub-set of Fourier analysis (from the DFT part). As such, it always recalculates, regardless of the changes you see or not (the magnitude of the change depends on the fitting that has to be done as a result of current price changes). Don't be mislead that it sometimes is very stable as a results of somewhat "predicted" price changes that are fitting into existing cycles. So, it should be treated as any other recalculating indicator

PS - some more information on Goertzel algorithm you can find here :



Gortzel browser is a sub-set of Fourier analysis (from the DFT part). As such, it always recalculates, regardless of the changes you see or not (the magnitude of the change depends on the fitting that has to be done as a result of current price changes). Don't be mislead that it sometimes is very stable as a results of somewhat "predicted" price changes that are fitting into existing cycles. So, it should be treated as any other recalculating indicator

PS - some more information on Goertzel algorithm you can find here :

What is the way to treat it? I understand you somehow like "it shows some math abstraction which someteimes just coincides with price moves". This is almost synonymous with uselessness, because even a broken clock show the right time twice a day. Is this your point?
What is the way to treat it? I understand you somehow like "it shows some math abstraction which someteimes just coincides with price moves". This is almost synonymous with uselessness, because even a broken clock show the right time twice a day. Is this your point?

My point is exactly what I told : Goertzel browser recalculates. I have tried to add some more explanations and you then told that "Browser does not rethink too often to confuse a trader". That is not correct. I will repeat : Goertzel browser recalculates.

As of usefulness : take a look for how long I developed some of the parts of the Goertzel browser that is floating now as is. If that does not show what do I think of it I will repeat what I have told a lot of times : people are claiming that recalculating stuff is useless. I dare anybody to try to live without the most famous of the recalculating "stuff" of them all (the Fourier analysis and its sub-set - the transform(s)) just for 1/2 an hour. And since Gortzel algorithm is a sub-set of Fourier, that should make clear what do I think of that too. If I think that something is useless, I have a custom to tell it (and a lot of people do not like when I say so). If I don't think that it is useless, then I, sometimes, even do some work on a thing like that to try to make it more useful


I know it recalculates constantly. We were talking about changing cycle's direction, and I just tried to say that Goertzel browser does not rethink too often on this score. It may change predicted cycle's length or amplitude but hold the direction, it's pretty stable as far as I can see within my experience. I never said recalculating stuff is useless, it seemed to me you've tried to say this when "don't be mislead...", so I was surprised because I saw your long and active participation in all those cycles/FT threads. 

I think that recalculating is the only way to follow a market. There is no use when a laggy indicator says the price has made it's move - you can see it with your own eyes without any indicator :D  

Sorry but I still can't catch what way you suppose right to treat Goertzel browser. I'm not very good in english, it may be a reason. 



I know it recalculates constantly. We were talking about changing cycle's direction, and I just tried to say that Goertzel browser does not rethink too often on this score. It may change predicted cycle's length or amplitude but hold the direction, it's pretty stable as far as I can see within my experience. I never said recalculating stuff is useless, it seemed to me you've tried to say this when "don't be mislead...", so I was surprised because I saw your long and active participation in all those cycles/FT threads. 

I think that recalculating is the only way to follow a market. There is no use when a laggy indicator says the price has made it's move - you can see it with your own eyes without any indicator :D  

Sorry but I still can't catch what way you suppose right to treat Goertzel browser. I'm not very good in english, it may be a reason. 



The thing with Goertzel browser is that sometimes it looks like magic (see this post : ). But just be careful : it is a good tool, but we all have to keep in mind what is it and how it works. When we do (when we are cautious in the way how we use it) it can be very, very useful

Have a pleasant weekend :)



The thing with Goertzel browser is that sometimes it looks like magic (see this post : ). But just be careful : it is a good tool, but we all have to keep in mind what is it and how it works. When we do (when we are cautious in the way how we use it) it can be very, very useful

Have a pleasant weekend :)

When used for major cycles as a modifier it is very good
When used for major cycles as a modifier it is very good
For modifier : you mean estimator?

EMA extrapolator posted here :

Also posted there are extrapolations of cycle extrapolators of rsi and cci

Nice. Thanks :)