Top 10 Most-Traded Currencies


I saw the graph below in an article in the Wall Street Journal today. It shows the top 10 most-traded currencies in the world and their historical rankings. The data were compiled from an annual survey conducted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which also shows that the average trading volume in the forex market is now $5.3 trillion a day. That's an increase of 33% since 2010.

Interesting to see the Yuan and the Peso crack the top 10. I've never placed a live MXN trade, since I try to stick to the majors. I might reconsider that stance now. How about you guys? Which of these 10 currencies do you trade? Do you trade any currencies that aren't in the top 10?


Not sure how the chinese yuan made it when I have yet

to see any broker even offer the yuan to trade.....

Not sure how the chinese yuan made it when I have yet to see any broker even offer the yuan to trade.....

FXCM offers trading in the Chinese Yuan (CNH) on our Trading Station platform for clients of FXCM UK and FXCM Asia. We plan to increase availability to clients of FXCM US and FXCM Australia in the future. Below is a list of the currencies we offer.

Not sure how the chinese yuan made it when I have yet to see any broker even offer the yuan to trade.....

Some brokers offer trading with Yuan. As you can see from the chart Yuan in a good uptrend. So there will be more traders in coming years


Yes yo are right Yuan is a good currency but most of the traders want to use Usd and EUR as the trading currencies.


I am EUR USD, for me this is the best pair I've ever used! Who also uses this pair?

Jason Rogers:
FXCM offers trading in the Chinese Yuan (CNH) on our Trading Station platform for clients of FXCM UK and FXCM Asia. We plan to increase availability to clients of FXCM US and FXCM Australia in the future. Below is a list of the currencies we offer.

That will be an interesting symbol to trade when they decide not limit the changes of CNY (a chart showing USD to CNY rates in the last month). Till then trading it against USD it will not be too profitable

cny.gif  7 kb

It will be interesting to trade CNY (it will for sure become one of the biggest volumes with time) but too much government control for now