Any good systems out there


Hi hello my Name is Dawn and i am new here and a newb in forex i am looking for a system with a success is any thing from 80% up ........... I will rely appreciate it if you help the new people to the forex world for we get rupt off by systems what are slot to us with empty promises

thanks a lot and success full trading to all



I don't think so.

You don't need 80% to be profitable. VERY profitable.

Just need about 30 to 40% wining trades. Cut your loses fast and maximize your profits when you are in a wining trend.

Lots of good systems here can give you that, just browse someone that fits your trading style and you feel confortable with.

Never end learning and testing, understand how and why the system work for you, master it, have a plan, stick to it and control your emotions.

Easy to say, difficult to archive


If you are looking 80% ups simply set the take profit to much smaller value than stop loss. But do not expect that that kind of a system will be profitable. First you have to decide what kind of a system you want to trade and then look for a system (trending systems can win in only 20% and still be profitable)


Before looking further for 80% win ratio, read this : the myth of a 70 30 win loss ratio


Risk/Reward Ratio of ATLEAST 2:1 is THE KEY

even you have only 40% win

you will still make money trading

don't belive? just backtest it yourself


may i recommend this e book

i don't get any dollars from this guy


this e-book works for me

Forex Candlesticks Made Easy!

don't forget 2:1 ratio