Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 80


A lot of confusion like that one can be attributed to bad English translation.


RSI of Kaufman AMA - pre filtered

One more indicator that is ready for the new metatrader 4 and uses some possibilities that it has and the current metatrader 4 does not have. To turn the price per-filtering of set the price filter period to <= 1


Just to avoid confusion : the above indicator is made for the new (still beta) metatrader 4. It will not work with current metatrader 4. Version for current regular metatrader 4 was posted here :


According to stingo metaquoes is not working on current build any more (exact translation is "we did not touch build 509 for a long time") which would mean that it will be canceled in a short time


According to some info that is due to happen in February, but it is not official yet


It will be "interesting" when the new metatrader gets forced to us


I still think that it mainly depends on brokers. And that now we shall see how serious tech teams are working for some brokers


As I said there is still no official date. My guess is that it mostly depends on brokers (and are they interested in those changes at all). All should be much more clear in some foreseeable time but I agree : it will mostly depend on the IT teams of brokers and their approval. From that point of view it is going to be interesting to see some things in the times that are ahead of us


My point exactly too : this will be a kind of a filter that will show us what are we up against when brokers are concerned


I know this will be a better one.