Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 78

Thanks Mladen

not that i understand much of it, hopefully the creator of the P4L will get chance to re-code before too long

only another 99 problems left to fix and we are all sorted, until the next time


Here is a toy to play with (untill the author decides to make his own version for the new metatrader 4). As far as I see it works OK but test it. As usual, this one works on new metarader only


PS: not going to post the source (there are some solutions that are not ready to get public yet)

PPS: when you save it best is to rename it so it does not get mixed up with the version for the current metatrader


Many thanks Mladen

the ex is just fine

one less thing for us to all worry about

hopefully Metaquote's will produce some kind of manual for all these changes to make everyone's lives a bit easier,

i hope they are paying you well here

thanks alot


I would like to say thanks to you that you share this post here with us. I am totally agree with you. And I really hope that you will continue to post here with us.


ServiceDesk has taken almost a month to respond to my query error in Beta.

Looking at the numbers of requests a month apart, it can be estimated that approximately 17,000 consultations have had Last online this month.

Conclusion, there are too many errors in the Beta and ServiceDesk this overworked.

Many thanks Mladen

the ex is just fine

one less thing for us to all worry about

hopefully Metaquote's will produce some kind of manual for all these changes to make everyone's lives a bit easier,

i hope they are paying you well here

thanks alot

I wouldn't hope too much for some manual.

They clearly stated that the book will not be updated and even with the offline charts the comments are that "HST format is not documented and only for our service." (that is an exact quote). What does the "only for our service" mean, frankly I have no idea at all. Posting that version of offline indicator was a bit of "in spite" to that statement coming from one of the top metaquotes guys: if they say we can not, well, we can


It is obvious now that they are not going to help coders in their job. Don't know what are their intentions but I guess that they are more and more turned in the direction of being a broker (since they are - they have to be to be able to sell those "signals") and that they are going to discourage any good coding that can be public. They are closing the doors to the small ones and to the competition (zulut trade and similar). Nothing good can be expected from metaquotes in the future


Have they got something to hide, or just prefer to be unhelpful

maybe they don't want someone coping their newest work and starting there own platform

although its a bit late for that,

logic should imply that they need to do everything they can to keep everyone happy and be as helpful as possible

its going to be a long year...

thanks for the work on the P4L, will give it a test soon(ish)


Been reading and it look like only now some people are starting to understand some things about this new metatarder 4. One of the post is "reporting a bug" where a guy took metatrader 5 file compiled it using new metatrader 4 and is asking why is it not running in new metatrader 4. People thought that there will be just one metatrader and only now they understand that there will be 3 for some time. The confusion is complete


Metaquotes communication with users and their statements are weird at the least : statements that they have no intention to make a normal user manual and statements that hst file format is for their usage only (as if they are now trying to tell us that we must not use it) is not what someone expects from a company that deals with users.

Whatever their intentions are, I don't care. The fact is that coding was never the part that was best represented by metaquotes so, after all, they actually do not have a lot to say about it. We simply have to continue what we did all these years : do the coding without expecting anything from metaquotes.

But, as I said, this time expect less opened code since the coders learned what was metaquotes using them for and what was the final "tap on the head" received from that same metaquotes that would not exist if it was not for an army of coders doing a coding job each and every day (the "we have no intention to update the manual for a new mql" is probably one of the most cynical statements I have heard from coding language developers - and is trying to completely undermine the significance of the work of thousands of coders contributing with their work to the popularity of mql - that statement alone is sobering and is showing to coders what should they do)

One of the post is "reporting a bug" where a guy took metatrader 5 file compiled it using new metatrader 4 and is asking why is it not running in new metatrader 4.

I think it's just a way to detect if the buttons work and have a valuable advantage in mt4, using existing code, which comes from an example of the mt5 platform.

Still no programmer has treated the topic of building panels buttons.

And building code test for panel buttons is complex, and detect malfunctions in mt4.