Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 77

Tzuman If I understand correctly, the minute we try to set up the existing build 509 to use that metatrader demo, it will update it to beta version, so I think that we are going to have to wait for brokers to start to update

I just had success going the other way. I created a new account in 574 and selected FinFX's demo server and it opened a new account which I verified contained identical bar values for selected bars, including ones during the Christmas / New Year holidays that were missing from the MetaQuotes data server. This seems to indicate that the data stream format has not changed, yet.

The indicator in question is a DashBoard type that cycles through all symbols using multiple icustom calls with multiple time frames to several custom indicators with several optional displays and sorts.

After letting the calculations settle in, i found that the calculated results are identical in nearly all of the values displayed. This has improved my confidence in the state of the release although I believe there are still many problems to be resolved.

The values in the screen shots above will not be identical as the ticks changed while creating the attachments, see the tick time in the middle.

BTW cja is spot on in his assessment of the way Metaquotes handled this conversion, could not have done better

mt4_574.png  115 kb
mt4_509.png  132 kb
mt4_509_1.png  120 kb
mt4_574_1.png  112 kb


Looking at your pictures and seems that they still have serious problems with labels. Attaching the daily data indicator that has a strange problem with labels too. When I start the terminal it displays some of the labels wrongly (as if the font is not recognized and some default font is used - which one, I don't know) and then if I change the time frame or the symbol it displays OK. The strange is that it happens only when the terminal is just started, in other cases it works OK

Problems with this kind of display have existed from the very beginning and it makes me wonder when will that finally be solved


I have mentioned this earlier however it is probably worth posting again. There has been a definite difference in how object and Text layers work, it used to be name based so if you wanted one object below another it had to be a smaller number or letter now the order of the objects in the code is important not the name. The Dolly screenshots show how Dolly first loaded, after simply shifting the Border and Background code above the Text Comments in the code everything fell back into place. Order in code Border Background Text.

To have the layers as they used to be for a colored box with a border and text as in the Dolly1 example.

Old MT4 = Border Name " AAA" Background of box name "BBB" Text name "CCC" placed in any order in the code

it could be BBB CCC AAA or AAA CCC BBB or CCC BBB AAA and it would still layer correctly

New MT4 = Border "any name" Background of box "any name" Text "any name" but the code must be in that order,

if the order is Text Background Border then you do not see the background color or the Text if the order is Border Text Background then you see it as in the Dolly example below.

dolly.gif  87 kb
dolly1.gif  78 kb

There's a post on FF and appears P4L Period con has just stopped working after someones MT4 upgraded them to build 574

how long before they upgrade everyone and everything stops working

There's a post on FF and appears P4L Period con has just stopped working after someones MT4 upgraded them to build 574 how long before they upgrade everyone and everything stops working


Did you see this post : ?

I have mentioned this earlier however it is probably worth posting again. There has been a definite difference in how object and Text layers work, it used to be name based so if you wanted one object below another it had to be a smaller number or letter now the order of the objects in the code is important not the name. The Dolly screenshots show how Dolly first loaded, after simply shifting the Border and Background code above the Text Comments in the code everything fell back into place. Order in code Border Background Text.


Your tip was invaluable and I am using it. However, as MLaden says, there are still funky issues with the labels. When my indicator starts, it displays just the background silver border. But if I edit it using the indicators list and change the display count, it redisplays as shown, so there is something in the reinit that is working differently than at startup as all screen painting is done in functions called by Start(). But this is not new 509 has reinit problems also.


PS: one addition

The "magic" code for updating window data of an offline chart is still the well known CHART_CMD_UPDATE_DATA 33324. It works with no problems for chart data refreshing (only the window handle now can be obtained using chart functions). Did not test it EAs so far but it will be tested soon. Indicators are working as expected

No excuses any more for offline chart makers not to update to new hst format. Now it all depends on how the authors of such code converts to new formats

offline_2.gif  36 kb

Thanks Mladen

not that i understand much of it, hopefully the creator of the P4L will get chance to re-code before too long

only another 99 problems left to fix and we are all sorted, until the next time

Thanks Mladen

not that i understand much of it, hopefully the creator of the P4L will get chance to re-code before too long

only another 99 problems left to fix and we are all sorted, until the next time

If it was only 99

2 more problems (but this time not quite sure why) : when offline chart is updated, all works except :

a) data window is frozen if you place a cursor over the current bar (does not update values - but if you move the cursor and go back it will show correct values again)

b) EAs start routine is not called when attached to offline chart - there was a similar problem in current version of metatrader 4 but it was solved with one additional event raising - now that additional event is obviously not causing the EAs to run as they should any more

Anyway, the problems will be solved (eventually). The waste of time won't and they caused and will cause even more waste of our time


It took them one whole day to post and then silence again on the English part (but this time the Russian part is almost dead too)