Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 39


"kill your terminal"

ter·mi·nal [tur-muh-nl]


Final, ending, ultimate, fatal, mortal, lethal.

"kill your terminal"

ter·mi·nal [tur-muh-nl]


Final, ending, ultimate, fatal, mortal, lethal.

Actually it is quite frustrating to try to work with this beta : now I had to delete an ex4 file that was working perfectly when I closed the terminal since it was blocked when I tried to restart it. So it worked, but when I tried to restart it with an indicator attached to a chart (the indicator that worked) terminal never could start

Of all those words, the closest description would be lethal


No way they are going to make this a reliable trading platform in a foreseeable time. Seems that tough times are ahead of metatrader


I think they did not know they had many Bugs.

And they were not aware of the seriousness of the Bugs they have.

They had planned massive test with traders this week.


Well, at least they have something to test. Although, the bug fixing might become even bigger pain in the a$$ than the developing itself!


I have an impression that they thought the usual : "it will be easy" way. What they are doing right now is very sensitive and if they fail this time it is not only metatrader 5 at stake but all their trading platforms. They made it clear that they want only one trading platform (which is OK) but if that trading platform is going to have all the errors of metatrader 5 and also adds new errors that we have never seen so far, it is not enough to just have something to test. This time they will have to convince people that what is given to users is actually worth it and that can be done only with serious approach to the whole thing (no comment on this) and with reasonably bug free trading platform.

At a moment they seem to be unaware of the fact that all development for metatrader 5 and majority of development for metatrader 4 have been stopped because of this latest version. If it (the development) is not restarted (and restarted real soon) metatrader will lose what was its strongest point : a broad developers base, and that could prove to be much worse than the problem they had (and still have) with metatrader 5 not being accepted the way they expected it


The end of all this will be that they are going to force us to use metatrader 5.


Build 543. Still same problems that I have experienced before.

It seems that those problems (bugs) are not high on the priority list, so I can only guess what was corrected (I am interested in simple basic things like : simple iCustom() call, simple string parameters passing to indicators, and so on ... before I start testing the more complicated things. Till these basic things are not solved, no purpose of testing more complicated thibgs)

I think they did not know they had many Bugs.

And they were not aware of the seriousness of the Bugs they have.

They had planned massive test with traders this week.
"They had planned massive test with traders this week."

Are they serious? Is anybody there aware how long it takes to make a reliable trading platform? Come on. Metatrader 5 is still not reliable and they want something nailed together in a month or two to be suitable for trading?

Are they serious? Is anybody there aware how long it takes to make a reliable trading platform? Come on. Metatrader 5 is still not reliable and they want something nailed together in a month or two to be suitable for trading?

Judging from the emails they are sending around, it seems that they are planing a quick release. At a moment I am lacking any comment on such a move knowing the state of the beta version of the new metatrader 4.