Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 24


Checked it and it is an error : each and every time I restart the metatader 5 I get the same message that metatrader 5 got updated and nothing gets changed after all that

Checked it and it is an error : each and every time I restart the metatader 5 I get the same message that metatrader 5 got updated and nothing gets changed after all that

Yep. Same here - an update that can not go through


The update problem of metatrader 5 seems to be solved (they have changed the build from 858 to 865)

Also, check the ex4 format that newest metatrader 4 (the regular one, not the beta) is using. It is much more like metatrader 5 format than the older versions of metatrader 4


Good. I wasn't starting it any more (got bored of constant "update"). Now I can test it again


They are having a big dispute over decompiled code at metaquotes thread dedicated to new metatrader. A lot of people think that it is the most important part of anything new - protection against decompilers


Yet another update of metatrader 5 (build 868 now). No news about beta testing of metatrader 4. The way new metatrader 5 builds are thrown out these days, the direction of the development seems to be decided


I have a feeling that a trap is being prepared for metatrader 4 users

Yet another update of metatrader 5 (build 868 now). No news about beta testing of metatrader 4. The way new metatrader 5 builds are thrown out these days, the direction of the development seems to be decided

Beginning to sound like the ObamaCare website. Too many bugs & too slow.

Beginning to sound like the ObamaCare website. Too many bugs & too slow.

Shhhh ... we can not tell that

We can tell that "they are doing their best and we are happily awaiting to see results of the finest and the best"


Dispute at metatrader site does not have anything with a new metatrader 4 any more, so it seems that even there they gave up for now