Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 6


Today there was no new update so no news

Announcements are that the new terminal will be ready witthin 1 month and that is when we are really going to be able to test the new metatrader 4. Till then it is still old compiler and old terminal executing the ex4. As I said we have to wait to see what will be the direction


Its a strange setup Metaquote's have going on

they have no known office

no known email

no known customer service

and seem intent on fundamental changes whenever they like that have wide repercussions for there customer base

if Microsoft or apple completely changed the way there operating systems worked (with no work around solutions)

they would nt be where they are today

and how do we know where to picket

or send a case of vodka and caviar in the hope that each of us does n't have to spend 1K+ once, or maybe twice just so our old indicators work on MT4 1/2 and then MT5

dark times ahead


One good news : all existing ex4 files will work the same way in the new metatrader 4 as they worked in the existing ones. There will be no need to rewrite them or by them again or similar stuff (that is a statement coming from a head coder of metaquotes, and he usually does not throw statements around - I hope that this time too we can trust his words)

One good news : all existing ex4 files will work the same way in the new metatrader 4 as they worked in the existing ones. There will be no need to rewrite them or by them again or similar stuff (that is a statement coming from a head coder of metaquotes, and he usually does not throw statements around - I hope that this time too we can trust his words)

Finally a good news came out...

The best would be if I could keep with Metatrader in spite of its many bugs.

I looked into TradeStation and I was not impressed. There is no doubt that TradeStation is a great and well featured software but, I think, it seems to contain too much data and too many functions I have never needed and probably will not need in the future either. I might be wrong though since I have not tried it yet, just looked through their site and watched several videos.

Finally a good news came out...

The best would be if I could keep with Metatrader in spite of its many bugs.

I looked into TradeStation and I was not impressed. There is no doubt that TradeStation is a great and well featured software but, I think, it seems to contain too much data and too many functions I have never needed and probably will not need in the future either. I might be wrong though since I have not tried it yet, just looked through their site and watched several videos.

I do not use all the stuff that tradestation can do ...

Anyway, I agree that it could be a good news what Stingo told (as far as I know and from what he is telling from time to time, he really is not a kind of person that exaggerates or tells something that is misleading) so, from the experience so far, that will be really good if all the ex4 files simply continue to work with the new metatrader 4


Latest info of the changes and the time frame in which it is planed to be done :

Since a large amount of change, we will conduct public tests on our forums for two months, without letting in LiveUpdate.

Our task - to prepare for the development, test the compatibility of existing programs and reach the release.

Of course, all the old programs are compatible with the new language. But a certain amount of problems still appear - that is why we are launching public tests.

All the old EX4 files from the old compiler fully supports the new version of the terminal as before.


So far, only one substantial change is planed : if you use dlls you will not be able to pass string arrays to a dll any more. According to MQ people that is done in order to prevent cracks of a new ex4 execution system (in short : to prevent decompiling). The rest seems the usual : if you are not using such dlls all your ex4 files should be executed on new metatrader without problems

So far, only one substantial change is planed : if you use dlls you will not be able to pass string arrays to a dll any more. According to MQ people that is done in order to prevent cracks of a new ex4 execution system (in short : to prevent decompiling). The rest seems the usual : if you are not using such dlls all your ex4 files should be executed on new metatrader without problems

If that will be the only price we are going to pay to migrate to a new metatrader 4 then it is far less than I thought it would be.


If all metatrader 4 ex4 will work in the new metatrader 4, what will be with metatrader 5? I am still suspicious that there will be some catch


Guys, lets wait and see what will happen

There is always time fr a decision