Europe bank rescue plan would hit investors


European Union finance ministers approved a plan Thursday for dealing with future bank bailouts, forcing bondholders and shareholders to take the hit for bank rescues ahead of taxpayers.

The new framework requires bondholders, shareholders and large depositors with over 100,000 euros to be first to suffer losses when banks fail. Depositors with less than 100,000 euros will be protected. Taxpayer funds would be used only as a last resort.

Shielding small depositors from losses is a top priority in Europe, especially after the public outrage over initial plans to bailout Cypriot banks using money from both large and small depositors.

Commissioner Michel Barnier called the agreement a "balanced compromise" between the 27 finance ministers.

"The EU has made a big step towards putting in place the most comprehensive framework for dealing with bank crises in the world," Barnier said in a statement.

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When it happened on Cyprus all were anrgy. Now when it is a law that will allow banks to take the money that never belonged to them and when we ES have legalized robbery nobody is saying anything (as if depositors are not taxpayers - and as if they did not pay taxes already on the money they deposited in banks). It seems that people do not care any more since obviously, nothing is OK. Now be smart and keep your money out of the reach of banks cause they did show what are they (un)capable off and it is just a matter of time when even small depositors will be hit

When it happened on Cyprus all were anrgy. Now when it is a law that will allow banks to take the money that never belonged to them and when we ES have legalized robbery nobody is saying anything (as if depositors are not taxpayers - and as if they did not pay taxes already on the money they deposited in banks). It seems that people do not care any more since obviously, nothing is OK. Now be smart and keep your money out of the reach of banks cause they did show what are they (un)capable off and it is just a matter of time when even small depositors will be hit

It was just a matter of time. Once when they did it on Cyprus and they got away with it, it was a clear sign that they are going to do it anywhere else. Now, according to law, we are all Russian mafia hiding money from honest politicians. They will always want more and there is nothing that will prevent them from stealing more and more


just as a novelty idea - why don't they bail themselves out ?

at 1 billion per pip made on the US stock markets every day

there could just possibly be enough money

my genius idea is to call it a "bank bail out fund"

where each of the major banks is forced to add a percentage of profits into at the end of each financial quarter

or better still when they re dishing out bonuses

anyone think they would go for it

just as a novelty idea - why don't they bail themselves out ?

at 1 billion per pip made on the US stock markets every day

there could just possibly be enough money

my genius idea is to call it a "bank bail out fund"

where each of the major banks is forced to add a percentage of profits into at the end of each financial quarter

or better still when they re dishing out bonuses

anyone think they would go for it

It would be fair, but since it would be fair, they are not going to go for it

Easier to steal money from people that have nothing with their "errors"