Harmonic Analysis - page 308


AUDUSD - A breakout occurred. This tells us that the pair is bullish. The pair could keep going straight up to the previous structure level or before it could come back to the breakout level which could be now support and go up.


It work.


H&S work good. It never violated SL at top of the head.We'll see about the Garley.


Potetial H&S.


Such a gorgeous short on euro. Will post images from zup when I get home. Gorgeous short on 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hour, and daily


Thank you again poruchik. I'm going to post some of my zup pictures later to get some input from you? To see what you think


do it -------------------


Okay I'm going to post in a few minutes. But now I have been looking at your zip 145 template as well. So many choices. So many ways to tune the programming for the most accurate results. I personally prefer to many many zup variations and timeframes for the best chance of success in picking the best PRZ


okay here was why I went short on the Euro. Here is the daily chart, then 4 hour, 1 hour, and others

Here is the 2 minute RENKO

1 Hour chart

These here are a bit later that I took the screen shot, but are still viable. 30 min


Forgot the 15 min
