What was your biggest obstacle?


Everyone has a different story and every successful trader had to face various challenges and obstacles when they started out. Those who claim they didn’t struggle at all obviously never traded in their life. We all have a different learning curve and approached trading with a different mentality and from different angles.

What was your biggest obstacle you had to overcome before you felt you were on the right track?

I think to me it was to trust myself that I would figure it out and get to the point where I could create a strategy that works for me in order to achieve consistent trading profits. I remember when I decided to trade I had no idea what I was getting into and I did take the time to educate myself to the point I felt comfortable to open my very first account and place my first trade.

What was yours?


My biggest obstacle is lack of funds. I am doing trading with low amoutn . It is not possible for me to get some profit from it. If I take some risk there is a loss for me which can effect my capital . I need some good amount for trading.


The biggest obstacle is the emotions, the emotions that cause us to fear to lose, greed to make more money and also may cause us to fail to follow our plan with strict discipline.


Emotions and pride, by all means

Master Forex IB:
My biggest obstacle is lack of funds. I am doing trading with low amoutn . It is not possible for me to get some profit from it. If I take some risk there is a loss for me which can effect my capital . I need some good amount for trading.

Then you have a low risk.

Try to build your account cent by cent / Dollar by Dollar. They you are learning and increase your capital with the profits. Hope sounds good.


One can not trade for cents. It will take 100s of orders just to get a couple of $ and nobody will get enough money that way. There must be a minimal account size too that will allow you to progress otherwise it will just be another betting game that will sooner than later lead to excessive risk


Hi, nice to see you.

I’m a professional trader with 6-year forex trading experiences.

I trade with my own EAs with manual control.

I think it's the biggest obstacle is a market lack of fluctuation.


The biggest obstacle to trading success is irrational emotion and tendency to do things that satisfy our emotions rather than doing things that make us survive.

Hi, nice to see you.

I’m a professional trader with 6-year forex trading experiences.

I trade with my own EAs with manual control.

I think it's the biggest obstacle is a market lack of fluctuation.

I cannot agree with you here. Most probably we have an active market in London time & London & NY market overlap time

I cannot agree with you here. Most probably we have an active market in London time & London & NY market overlap time

Maybe he's talking about the volatility we have during the end of December or maybe his system need abnormal volatility. Therefore the fluctuation we have every day is consider lack of fluctuation to him. However, we do have some days that the market is very quiet.


lack sense of the market