The Week That Was: May 27th - May 31st 2013


Succinctly summarizing the positive and negative news, data, and market events of the week...


  1. Conference Board’s consumer confidence survey surges in May, 10yr spikes
  2. Case-Shiller home prices surge in March, ironically led by the same states that fueled the last bubble
  3. Richmond Fed Mfg beats expectations, however new orders plunge
  4. NYSE Margin Debt reaches all-time high, this should end well
  5. Dow continues its streak, now 20-20 on Tuesdays
  6. The next crisis is already contained! Sallie Mae splits, with the intent on containing looming student loan bubble
  7. Q1 US GDP revised down again , and initial claims jump (all news is now good news, as we all know)
  8. US shrugs off weak 2yr auction, sees stronger 7yr $29bn dollar auction
  9. UMich Confidence reaches 6 year high but spending slumped?
  10. Chicago PMI smashes expectations (didn’t work out so well last time)

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