Why some people dislike trading? - page 3


Mind you, forex trading is not easy, it is a very difficult method of earning money from online. So many people when face huge problem in understanding forex, they dis like it.


People dislike this market due to high risk involvement with their money using in trades. They feel difficulty to get regular profits and market uncertainty is a main cause for their loss, They can not predict true trend . They are afraid to loose money so they are not in its favour.


Why should anybody like trading? It is a job that has to be done

Why should anybody like trading? It is a job that has to be done

Unless you're in the forex business for yourself, then it's not just another job that has to be done. It's a business you have to learn and be extremely proficient at. If you treat it as a job, then you will begin to hate it and you will get burned out asap, since it's harder then most other jobs out there. Just my 2c.

Unless you're in the forex business for yourself, then it's not just another job that has to be done. It's a business you have to learn and be extremely proficient at. If you treat it as a job, then you will begin to hate it and you will get burned out asap, since it's harder then most other jobs out there. Just my 2c.

Seems you don't like your job. Then why are you still doing it? After a couple of years of trading, it will be the same as the job


I think because forex trading seems like a gambling, and we also can lose our money in quick time. Yeah, we will lose our money in quick time if we do not have enough knowledge and do not have skills to trade in forex trading. We must understand well before we do something.


The only those who may well dislike fx trading are individuals too terrified in order to loose a couple of bucks and the with no suitable expertise.

Yet when you finally buy your brain inside the suitable body in addition to appreciate the risk. Then you certainly are basically addicted on to FOREX TRADING.


Actually, those people who are not succeeding in Forex they consider Forex as a boring thing because of falling. Although many traders almost 90% especially the newcomer are falling in every day but I am totally satisfy in Forex because I can make profit with support a reliable trading platform ‘ProfiForex’ which makes my trading life so much flexiable by providing many facilities as like automated transaction, economical calendar etc. this ECN platform has unlimited chats and technical indicators.


Every trader has own reason why trader in forex and people also has reason why they dislike forex trading. But if we want to get more maximal result in forex, we must try to do the best. Forex is risky business but it doesn't mean that we will not get maximal result.

Every trader has own reason why trader in forex and people also has reason why they dislike forex trading. But if we want to get more maximal result in forex, we must try to do the best. Forex is risky business but it doesn't mean that we will not get maximal result.

Yes, but for traders who already get maximal result, they will not dislike forex because they can earn money here. We just have to own good skills and willing to learn and improve skills. If we want to from our trading experience, we will get maximal profit here. And we will know the advantages of forex.