Financial Genius Has Evaporated, But We Can Bring It Back


The Reason Financial Geniuses Are Becoming Rare (Advisor One)

In its May newsletter, investment firm Research Affiliates says financial geniuses are rare – just as scientific geniuses like Einstein are – and they may be becoming rarer. The firm "worries that the pace of financial genius could be mirroring a slowdown in the natural sciences, where the vast amount of knowledge required to reach the conceptual frontier has become harder than ever to attain," writes Advisor One's Gil Weinreich. In other words, the path to innovation is longer than ever. The solution, says Research Affiliates, is maintaining a collegial atmosphere where all investment ideas, no matter how outlandish, receive critical evaluation.

You Don't Need To Worry About The Strong Pace Of Bond Issuance Just Yet (Charles Schwab)

Corporate bond issuance has surged on the back of low interest rates and strong demand. But Charles Schwab doesn't think that there's reason to worry just yet. This is because 1. This hasn't been accompanied by a rise in mergers & acquisitions and corporate leverage, if that were to happen it would be worrisome.

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