Forex is game or Business - page 2


Forex neither job or business it all about investment. Forex is all about your experience and knowledge and if your are updated with market trends and forex news then you can lead in market. I think forex is kind of trade which need your full attention.


Depends on you, if you are a 'player' then forex is game but if you are a 'trader/investor' then forex is business !


Forex is not a game, its a business, if you will take forex trading as a game, then you will not be able to make money from it consistently, so be in it if you are serious, otherwise you won't survive.


forex is a serious business, if you will treat forex like a game you will not succeed in trading.

forex is a serious business, if you will treat forex like a game you will not succeed in trading.

I don't consider forex as a game. If we consider forex trading as a game, then we are not going to be very serious in it so consider it a business.

what is your opinion about Forex is game or business

I think it may be a kind of game, but also a business.

You can play the game with the market or we say other traders and also cooperate with other people, like traders, investors and brokers etc.

I think it may be a kind of game, but also a business. You can play the game with the market or we say other traders and also cooperate with other people, like traders, investors and brokers etc.

Have to agree with you. However it is not easy to define. Forex could be anything. For me it's a business more than a game


I take forex trading a serious business for me because if I consider it as a game, then it will be difficult for me to make consistent money because of non serious behavior.


I think it's not necessary to discuss whether it's a game or business, as long as we can make money from the forex market.


People can treat forex as business as well treat it as game,

Here is several ways to differentiate:

- Having business means you have specific times for you to do the business, while gamer will come anytime they want

- When opening a business there is business plan with intention to control behavior if A,B,C,D,E,...,Z happen. Gamer sometime can have this set of rules, but most of the time only the *Nerd* one.

- Intention, business strictly for profit do what is working and throw what is not working, gamers priority more of Enjoy the game finding lot of finishing blow combination to feel marvelous, don't like to lose but mostly keep finding best finishing blow.

- There are plan A,B,C,...,Z for business. For gamer, only 1 plan "Must win" against this monster try it again again and again without formulating strategies.