Is forex easy way to make money. - page 8

There aint no easy way to make money.
This is simply only for the really talented traders!

Forex is the easy way to loose money.

To win money you must follow the hard way


Why is everybody obsessed with "easy way to make money". Why aren't people looking for a "way to make money" (regardless is it is "easy" or not) steadily and independently from a mercy of the ones that have more

Because as human  nature might want to get with easy

But in fact forex is not easy to making money, without experience knowledge also skill trading hence facing many difficulties is possible
Well here I’m bifurcate :) it is easy to trade, because you are sitting in front of a computer and pressing only mouse or keyboard. No physical job is needed – you are not working out :D But not every time this trading will make you money. I’m verge to no FX it’s not easy to make money. There is a big risk at all that.
And how onmyown said if it was we all will be millionaires, but we are not :)
Is forex easy way to make money ? Depends on how much you are willing to “invest” in it and by invest I mean – capital, knowledge and time. If you invest a lot of these 3, than it is most likely that forex will become an easy way to make money
Is forex easy way to make money ? Depends on how much you are willing to “invest” in it and by invest I mean – capital, knowledge and time. If you invest a lot of these 3, than it is most likely that forex will become an easy way to make money
How much did you invest?
no easy money for all the areas, including forex especially
How much did you invest?
When we are talking about time – around 3 years. When we are talking about knowledge – a lot of books, as well as personal testing and trying to improve strategy, over the years. Capital – it Is hard to keep track, because I have lost a lot in the beginning and changed couple of brokers. But it doesn’t even matter how much I have lost, because I moved on the other side, and slowly but surely will gain back everything that I have lost
The investment in time the thing that I didn't appreciate when I first started out. I thought that a few months practice and reading some books I would start to make a small profit. 2 years later and only now am I around break even!