Will You Like Invest All Your Money In Forex - page 3

Price Action Trading:
2nd principle of investment- diversify your portfolio to spread the risk...so from this you can guess the answer is no!

Totally agree with this wise young man )

It's really not smart to invest ALL your money in forex.


It really makes no sense to put all your money in forex trading. Forex is high risk business and you will be in lots of stress if you loss that money. It is always better to trade in forex with extra money.


Don't think it's a good idea to have all of your investment capital in one vehicle. There's thousands of stocks you can trade, and in a lot of ways, stock trading is easier than Forex.


There are thousands of stocks and you can trade them but the point is not about those many numbers. The point is about putting all your money like savings for this forex or stock trading.


Never. I would never invest my all money in Forex. Forex market is full with risk and need lot of knowledge to lead in market.

You must invest with help of experienced broker.


NO, i would not invest all the money into the forex trading business because its not a wise choice to put all the eggs in one basket.


it is not important to invest all your money in forex you can take a trading at trial and see and wait and decide to invest what you have.


A lot of people will say no but if you have a few systems, you may consider to invest since difference system will produce different results at any given time. Not all system will make profits at the same time or lose at the same time. May consider to invest in other FOREX traders which is consider as diversification as well even though all the money is in the same market.


I can't imagine to invest all my money in whatever it is! You always have to have the back-up plan.


No i wouldn't! I would kill me! It's my hard work and I am only going to invest 50% of my money in it.