Warren Buffett's 23 Best Quotes About Investing


Warren Buffett has just joined Twitter.

Hopefully this means we'll hear from the Oracle of Omaha on a more regular and informal basis.

Buffett has established himself as the most successful investor in history.

And he has never kept his investing methods secret.

In fact, when he shares his tips, he often does so in an approachable and entertaining manner.

So, as we get ready for this week's annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, we reflect on some of Buffett's best investing quips.

We compiled a few of Buffett's best quotes from his TV appearances, newspaper op-eds, magazine interviews, and of course his annual letters, which are always-must reads.

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""After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out." :):)


It seems that he knows what is he talking about : Berkshire Cash Hits Record $49.1 Billion as Profit Climbs

It seems that he knows what is he talking about : Berkshire Cash Hits Record $49.1 Billion as Profit Climbs

With the kind of money he has, he is already a market mover, so his trading is not the same as ours. It is enough that he tells that he intends to do something and the prices of that "something" are already changing


wall street is the only place where people ride in on Rolls Royce but ask for advice from those that ride the subway...hhehehe funny but very true


got it, I'll keep learning