Learn how to do High Frequency Trading - page 3


One way of doing high frequency trading is that you should only trade when you see any confluence signal in any pair. In this way you may miss out some trades but the trades done will provide high winning rates.


For me a high frequency trade is the one that makes a signal on confluence area. Like when I see a pin bar on daily time frame that is rejecting 100 or 200 EMA and also in any fib retracement area, then these three things are making this trade a high frequency trading.

... the exchanges selling the stops data to the highest HFT bidder ...

Your stop losses (and take profits) are sold to hft companies. Draw your own conclusion

Your stop losses (and take profits) are sold to hft companies. Draw your own conclusion

The same as facebook that is selling email addresses to the highest bidder

Your stop losses (and take profits) are sold to hft companies. Draw your own conclusion

If it is so, that is pure crime

Ray Cooper:
Personally, I hate over trading. Because, I lost my trading investment many times for this problem.

And you are still throwing the same posts all over the forums all over the net? Come on....

And you are still throwing the same posts all over the forums all over the net? Come on....

He is high frequency spamming


Thanks FOr this

He is high frequency spamming

Like all "high frequency" traders