Make It No Repaint Please! - page 14

PS: just to clarify to the ones that did not follow the requirements - those 2 indicators are not repainting but Jaquanburtonwants them to have a fixed current bar too (instead of changing current bars values till the bar closes)

^^Yes he's correct. And thanks for your version mladen, you've fixed the problem of it not updating at the open of each new bar, but when I set to price type to 1 it repaints unlike the original DMI ADX histogram.

^^Yes he's correct. And thanks for your version mladen, you've fixed the problem of it not updating at the open of each new bar, but when I set to price type to 1 it repaints unlike the original DMI ADX histogram.


That original indicator does not update the last CalculationPeriod bars at all (it has a coding error in it). When you leave to work, it will simply create a big gap of missing values where the new bars values should be (like on the example picture bellow).

As of the price : frankly, the built in ADX is anything but an ADX (it was long time ago proven that it is not an adx at all) and I would not be surprised that passing the price to it (as they predicted) serves of no good (or expected) purpose. In the original Wilders DMI it would be useless to specify one price since it is using high, low and close all the time

dmi.gif  40 kb

Hi mladen, is it possible to make the stochastic strength of the attached indicator non-repaint on the current bar? Thanks.indicator_strength1.mq4

Hi mladen, is it possible to make the stochastic strength of the attached indicator non-repaint on the current bar? Thanks.indicator_strength1.mq4


Even if you change the price in macd calculation to open (to prevent current bar changes) it is using a stochastic indicator values too and in it you can not use the open price. So, no, it can not be made fixed for the current bar too

Jaquanburton Even if you change the price in macd calculation to open (to prevent current bar changes) it is using a stochastic indicator values too and in it you can not use the open price. So, no, it can not be made fixed for the current bar too

Ok cool I understand. None of the indy's i post can be made non-repant I should just avoid this thread lol

Ok cool I understand. None of the indy's i post can be made non-repant I should just avoid this thread lol


Your understanding of repainting is rather strange. Updating the current bar is not and never was considered as a repainting. Ideal would be that on the start of the new bar, it predicts with 100% accuracy what will be the state of some indicator at the close of that bar and then there would be no need to update the state of the bar. But since that is not possible, all you can do is try using indicators that allow using only open price

Otherwise, if some indicator does not allow using just open price, there is no way how it can be adapted to what you call "no repainting". You can not change the calculation logic of some indicators just in order to be able to use single open price. In many cases that would produce meaningless results or it would not be that indicator any more at all.

Just a simple example : try making an average range using just open price for that. It would be a simple, nice flat line.


So, all you can do is ignore the current bar if you do not want to use a current (still opened) bar value or change your perception of repainting alltogether (or invent a 100% sure way of predicting the future value and then we all will become billionaires in no time at all, but somehow I think that in that case we, the mere mortals, would not see that predicting way LOL)


Your understanding of repainting is rather strange. Updating the current bar is not and never was considered as a repainting. Ideal would be that on the start of the new bar, it predicts with 100% accuracy what will be the state of some indicator at the close of that bar and then there would be no need to update the state of the bar. But since that is not possible, all you can do is try using indicators that allow using only open price

Otherwise, if some indicator does not allow using just open price, there is no way how it can be adapted to what you call "no repainting". You can not change the calculation logic of some indicators just in order to be able to use single open price. In many cases that would produce meaningless results or it would not be that indicator any more at all.

Just a simple example : try making an average range using just open price for that. It would be a simple, nice flat line.


So, all you can do is ignore the current bar if you do not want to use a current (still opened) bar value or change your perception of repainting alltogether (or invent a 100% sure way of predicting the future value and then we all will become billionaires in no time at all, but somehow I think that in that case we, the mere mortals, would not see that predicting way LOL)

LMAO, yeah I understand what you're saying. Um..since we're on the topic of my understanding of things let me make sure that "non-lag" is the opposite of "non-repainting" where the indicator is constantly updating reflecting the current price?

LMAO, yeah I understand what you're saying. Um..since we're on the topic of my understanding of things let me make sure that "non-lag" is the opposite of "non-repainting" where the indicator is constantly updating reflecting the current price?

At a risk of all of us dying at this thread, I must say that I am not sure at all how can "non-repainting" and "non-lagging" correlate. Even if you are using open price to prevent "non-repainting" you are lagging since in a lot of cases open is equal to the previous bar close


I did not create this thread for people to use it as a final resting place


Is it possible to make this indicator no repaint?

Many thanks
