I have to apologize my readers, MQLmagazine is not coming in august too -> see here why :( - page 2


Wow, at least the confusion is sorted out now. Why do you guys set it to save so many different logs?

Operating system is Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 64 bit edition.


Operating system is Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 64 bit edition.

We will try to reproduce it. Thank you.

I've looked in the log. Log seems complete, 24 MB.

Now the 0 is interesting. It appears in the middle of the first group, and continues. Should I post it to the ticket ? 


Your code is complicate so it is enough to reproduce it in our environment.

Can you explain what does expression  Data[x]=0 mean in  general?


Data[x] is a simple log out of the contents of the array. It is the data contents within a StatisticsObject from the Statistics.mqh

I found the cause... Good that I have the logs now...

Think we should move on to address the History thing... 



Rosh, how hard is it to make a real OnTrade() like

 void OnTrade(int &dealticket, string &dealsymbol, int &formerordertype, double &dealvolume, double &dealprice, string &dealcomment, int &dealmagic) 

Rosh, how hard is it to make a real OnTrade() like

We are going to improve this function by adding incoming parameters. But you didn't answer on my question - if there is bug in MQL5 or you don't have enough history to calculate statistics?
It's my coding. When I was initializing the mystats object I set it to copy 100 values from the recording buffer. Now I made the buffer size a #define so it doesn't happen anymore.