Have you joined in any forex contests?


Have you joined in any forex contests? What is the best for you?


No. Don't have spare time left (live trading for a couple of years now)


trade1on1 is the best. You can compete against your friends or other trader in the world at any time in 1on1 or tournament games at a specific amount.

It's amazing and really good one.


IMO that is a waste of time and we cannot learn the psychological aspects of trading.

But we can have fun from Contests. trade01on01 is a good example to have fun.

Peter Brandley:
trade1on1 is the best. You can compete against your friends or other trader in the world at any time in 1on1 or tournament games at a specific amount. It's amazing and really good one.

Hello Peter,

Tried trade1on1 last week and that was an amazing experience. Good way to stop boredom

Have you joined in any forex contests? What is the best for you?

I've joined a couple of contests, but I hate contests that promote highest profits, without considering draw downs, amount of pips and other risk factors. Most contests out there simply encourage traders to make as much money as possible, without telling them the disadvantages of doing this.

Have you joined in any forex contests? What is the best for you?

Yes, the prize is very helpful where the prize will be on top of your trading account.


i tried trade1on1 but just for fun. like ituglobal said i hate contests that promote highest profits, without considering draw downs, amount of pips and other risk factors, too.


i tried trade1on1 but just for fun. like ituglobal said i hate contests that promote highest profits, without considering draw downs, amount of pips and other risk factors, too. cya

Same here mate. Don't like to waste my valuable time on the contests. Imo Contests will change trading mentality to gambling mentality.


I have participated in demo contest but the guys are very smart. They just take the lead on the very first day and I just see their accounts growing like fire.

I have participated in demo contest but the guys are very smart. They just take the lead on the very first day and I just see their accounts growing like fire.

Who are the guys you are talking about here ? Contestants ????????? They try their luck and very risky trading when it's come to real trading.