Be allerted to the Changes in your MT4 from the 15.April on



I just recieved an email from Admiralmarkets

they state. that from the 15 April on, they have to deinstall some very cool Features due to anAnnoucement from Metaquotes.

This may effect all kind of Instruments, you are using on your MT4 - from Indicators to EAs

Please ask your Broker and confirm this changes, if any and report them here

and if this is true, what should/can we do?


I just recieved an email from Admiralmarkets

they state. that from the 15 April on, they have to deinstall some very cool Features due to anAnnoucement from Metaquotes.

This may effect all kind of Instruments, you are using on your MT4 - from Indicators to EAs

Please ask your Broker and confirm this changes, if any and report them here

and if this is true, what should/can we do?

Can you please provide the source to this announcement ?


What Will Change on the 15th of April?

Certain features on FX MT4 2013 will no longer be accessible, including:

FX Connect

FX Mini Terminal

FX Trade Terminal

FX Order Partial Close

Other order management facilities (OCO Orders, Automated Closes, Trailing Stops and Alarms)

just go into C:\Users\your user PC name\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\MetaTrader 4 Terminal\liveupdate and deny access to that folder then it wont update the terminal. that is of course if you still want to use these features.


All signs are there : they are going to make metatrader 4 work the same way as metatrader 5 does regardless of the fact if we like it or not. They have an investment that they need to justify (it is quite a few years that they started and still metatrader 5 failed to become popular) and they are doing it without a concern what is actually going to happen to traders and metatrader trading platforms


This is terrible. It seems more like the beginning of an incremental plan to eventually force MT4 users to MT5.

Ps: Mladen/Mrtools, if there is ever a forced move to MT5 someday, ive seen a program somewhere online marketed by a company (cant remember the name) that has actual software to automate the conversion process and in cases that it doesnt work, they'll do unlimited manual conversions Free-Of-Charge. Costs 500 bucks for the package and maybe, just maybe, it's time to slowly start the conversion process given that everything here on this forum is on MT4.

Total total disaster


Seems to be true, GFT also mailed the changes. As they are reducing the quality of the software (why?) there is only one thing for me to do: I´ll close my MT4 account and switch to prorealtime (they have all the features metaquotes cancelled now, and they are still improving their software). I will never change to MT5. They fooled me once, they won´t get the chance to do it again.


hello philt

I really like your idea of blocking any updates in the MT4, do you think, this will work out?

I am not so familiar with accessing your given path

could you be please be more specific and explain, how to follow your given path?

and how to deny access ?

I can locate easily the liveupdate file in each of my MT4s - do I deny acccess there ?

would it be also possible enough to just delete this liveupdate file from each MT4´to avoid any changes in ths future?

I would like to call all users to find a simple way to prevent this comming....


If there were 40-50 thousand custom indicators as with MT4

and my main bug bare - MT5's strategy tester worked properly for manual strategy's as it does in MT4, and should far exceed MT4s strategy tester as it does with MT5 for EAs

then possibly most would have no problem changing

But as there are only approximately 100-200 custom indicators available

that most can find on the net for MT5

and the strategy tester in MT5 seems to of been deliberately down graded for manual strategy's

then until the issues are resolved, myself and assume others from what i've read on the net, would rather stay on MT4,

and if the issues can't or won't be resolved, then some may as well look at other platforms, as there is life outside MT4 and MT5

there will always be another company that can copy and innovate just the same, especially in this new technological age

Facebook was nt the 1st of its kind, (it was a copy) myspace and a few others were the 1st, but who can barely remember those

and RIM, not many people want blackberry's anymore, possibly a few want there new phone, but its been upgraded - not downgraded

Metaquotes must nt forget its major appeals, and must address the issues raised by many traders

and wait for the platform to mature,

because if there are no decent custom indicators or a usable strategy tester then MT5 has no major appeals over a few of its rivals (especially as it has the broker software, most are well aware of)

and deinstalling features seems very strange - its not as though they have to do it, or cant update MT4 as contrary to the other statements that MT4 wont be upgraded, one click trading has just been rolled out

so anything is still possible, its just a matter of will

but in the end if you don't give the people what they want especially in the fickle world of technology, the people will just move on to another brand where they have all the features required

we must move forwards, not backwards

sorry for the long post - but can't understand why Metaquotes would want to deviate from its roots

when in the end it could hurt there top line


hello WR

much appreciated your post to this thread

my opinion is not Metquotes is forcing the changes - the Brokers are, specially the smaller "Affiliates", popping up into the Markets every Day

but there are not much out there Alternatives yet

I - for instant - have also an Account with Interactivebrokers - but the FX Trader misses so many usefull Indicators and is only usefull for

Traders, who trading with 1 Lot at least

on a simple MT4 Account, its more easy - for example - to trade a mini Lot as a Position Trade in the daily Chart, where a simple Divergence Indicatorsignal gave me an Entrysignal for this Trade

I posted this Thread also on FXCM - I am just curious, if this Broker will have/must to follow Metaquotes as well in their Changes

there was developed an MT4 Bridge to IB


What we is need a rival to step up

or better still a new platform emerges in the next 5-10yrs - with easy integration of custom indicators from MT4

with a similar or better strategy tester that MT5 has for EAs for manual strategy's

and sure other traders have many other good ideas

there must be some amazing coders in the MT world - i'll mention no names

that have possibly already thought of and have the knowledge to create a platform to rival MT4 and 5

or maybe it will appear out of china?

would rather it was from one of the Gurus who helped shape Metaquote's past,

and will appear at sometime

for now i suppose we are stuck with MT4 and 5 (but only for now)


Delete just the liveupdate.exe from the directory, or copy it somewhere It works also.